Video platform

We have a video platform provided by the product Kaltura.

The platform allows uploading and sharing of video content across the University, including learning and teaching content via Moodle, our learning management system including video assignments, as well as options for publishing marketing or promotional content to the public via fedflix, our open video repository.

Kaltura also provides a simple capture software tool, more information below, which is optional to use as you can use any software and upload any video file to the video platform from your devices.

You can use a variety of video-capture software, depending on what you have access to on your devices. Video-capture software will allow you to do a variety of video types such as face-to-face, presentation, group, screen recording, audio only etc.

We recommend Kaltura Capture provided by Kaltura as the simplest option for a basic recording.

  • Kaltura Capture

View more training videos about Kaltura Capture in fedflix

View more information about Kaltura Capture in Moodle

View more information in Knowledge Base Articles

Our multimedia streaming system used for managing audio and video is called Kaltura. It is directly linked to Moodle so you can use it to embed video and audio resources into your course anywhere the Moodle text editor is present. Our video platform also includes its own purpose-built video editing and capture tool, CaptureSpace, which can capture PowerPoint presentations, your desktop and webcam video. You can submit videos directly into Moodle assignments without the need for sharing through external systems.

View more information about video in learning or teaching

We have experienced in-house Digital Designers (video producers) to assist staff with video production to enhance course material. This advanced level of video creation aims at producing high-end videos for an internal and/or external audience. This service is free for all FedUni staff provided material
is for educational use. Videos can be filmed at Mt Helen or assistance can be provided via video across all campuses.

fedflix is the public-facing site of the video platform focussed on open public content. Think of it as our own private YouTube within the FedUni website. fedflix can contain marketing material but also lots of support information for our current students such as library and learning teaching support, as well as other university services we provide. fedflix is also accessible to our international students where some countries may block social media sites.

If you require any advice or guidance on appropriate video content to be published to the public or our students via fedflix, please contact Public Relations.

fedflix also has a staff only, restricted area, for staff to share videos with other staff within the university. A staff login is required to view the staff-only content. You can now create and publish a variety of video and audio content for training, displaying process, method, new functionality or even events from your department to the rest of staff.

View more information in knowledge base articles

When posting video content into any university system please be aware of appropriate and recommended wording for disclaimers and warnings.

View more information about disclaimers and warnings (PDF, 522kb)

Download content warning slides for use as title thumbnails on self published video content - Includes Part VB and VA disclaimers

The following is a general outline of the approach taken by us to privacy issues that arise when you visit our website.

View more information about privacy

Contact us

For guide lines on appropriate video content inquiries contact

For publishing video into fedflix or any related issues please seek assistance via the Service Desk Portal.
Example: How to publish the video into fedflix