Embedding academic resources

Do some of your students struggle with structuring their ideas in their assessments? Are you frustrated that often students don't address the assessment topic? Do you wish that some students would support their claims with evidence?

One effective approach to improving the quality of student academic work is embedding skills and resources into their courses – whether the mode be face-to-face, online or both – so that the information is tailored to the specific course study requirements and assignments, and made available when students need them to support their learning and assessment tasks.

Academic study skills and resources

The academic study skills selected by academic staff usually relate to the skills they wish their students to demonstrate either implicitly or explicitly in their courses. Examples include:

  • time management
  • topic analysis
  • reading skills
  • literature search skills
  • critical thinking
  • group work

The academic study resources selected by academic staff usually relate to the assessment task they wish their students to engage with to demonstrate learning. Examples include:

  • reflective writing
  • paraphrasing and summarising
  • writing paragraphs
  • annotated bibliographies
  • literature reviews
  • essay and report writing
  • lab reports
  • sentence and paragraph construction
  • creating an argument
  • developing academic writing style
  • citations and referencing
  • editing and proofreading

When developing your course, consider the embedding of academic resources and skills to assist students in achieving a quality learning experience. It is important to embed this information as part of your course design and development, regardless of delivery mode, to give students the maximum opportunity to succeed – not just as a service to direct them to if they are struggling.

Resources, strategies or assistance


  • Learning Skills Advisers (LSAs) provide academic literacy, learning and language support services to staff, as well as students, across the Berwick, Gippsland, Horsham and Mt Helen campuses.
  • Contact your Learning Skills Advisor , or book an appointment to discuss how they can best support your students by incorporating academic skills into your courses.