Minimum Co-operative Standards

Federation University’s Co-operative Model is founded on seven key criteria for curricula. Each of these criteria provide expectations for achievement of minimum through to full co-operative learning at a course level.

  1. Co-design with industry and students | Co-designing curriculum involves cooperation with industry partner(s) in designing the architecture of our courses and units, beginning prior to the course development
  2. Co-develop with industry and students | Co-developing is operationalising the elements of the course design. The extent of the co-development with partner(s) is dependent on the requirements of the Discipline
  3. Co-delivery with industry | Co-delivery with industry partner(s) can take place in a variety of modes and locations. The extent of the co-delivery with partner(s) is dependent on the requirements of the Discipline
  4. FedTASK alignment | FedTASK stands for Federation specific ‘Transferrable Application, Skills and Knowledge’ that are embedded and assessed across the course
  5. Workplace learning and career preparation | Embedded within curricula to maximise opportunities for student success
  6. Authentic Assessment | Assessment for, of and as learning directly resembling professional practice
  7. Industry-link/industry-facing experiences | Minimum of hours of co-op learning experiences – learning with, for and in the workplace (differ pending AQF level of program)

As part of the Federation University Learning & Teaching Plan 2022 – 2024 | Pillar 4: Co-operative Curriculum Engagement, each course across the university will be required to map their current curriculum against the Minimum Co-operative Standards (MiCS) criteria and seek opportunities to ensure all criteria meet the minimum expectations for a cooperative course.


The MiCS Expectations provides guidance on the ends of a spectrum for each criteria at a course level for the relevant AQF level. Download the following approved MiCS Expectations:

MiCS Expectations for Honours (AQF 8), Masters by Research (AQF 9) and PhD (AQF 10) are currently under development with the support of the Graduate Research School.


For resources to operationalise the above criteria, visit Staff Sharepoint | Minimum Co-operative Standards. This site includes the tools to support the mapping of current curricula against the MiCS to determine current status and identify opportunities to enhance future co-operative learning opportunities.