
Women on laptop with headphones

Webinars are a great way to engage with professional development. You can attend live or watch recordings at a later date. They can be delivered as a one-way presentation (passive learning) or as a two-way interactive session (active learning).

This page will be updated as sessions become available. Past recordings can be accessed below.

Past recordings

Previous sessions can be viewed via the webinar recordings page (staff login required)

  • Moodle Pre-Semester Checklist
  • H5P Bootcamps
  • Setting it right: Moodle options for assessment
  • Tools for student engagement (synchronous/asynchronous)
  • Monitoring online engagement
  • Why Workflow?
  • Communicating online in Moodle
  • Activity options in Moodle
  • Early monitoring strategies in Moodle
  • Interactive content with H5P
  • Marking with Turnitin
  • Turnitin Similarity
  • Getting the most out of Kaltura

How to register for sessions

  • Register via links advertised for upcoming sessions in FedNews.

Institute-based webinars

Institute Learning Designers work collaboratively with each Institute Director of Learning and Teaching to develop professional development specifically for the identified needs of academics within the Institute, a course or a unit. For further information on webinars offered specifically for your Institute, please access your communication networks, or contact your Institute Learning Designer.