Learning resources
Evaluating the effectiveness of your learning resources and enhancing them is an ongoing process. Courses should rarely be considered 'finished' and just rolled over to the next offering. There is always more contemporary resources to use, more authentic examples to give, or new learning technologies that can enhance the learning experience. Are the instructions clear and concise to enable successful participation? Do students have access to course materials in a timely manner - especially if they are required to be prepared for a F2F class?
Is there variety in the learning resources and learning activities that you use? Consider the various components of content and learning resources listed below from your peers that you could consider for review:
- Student engagement in online discussions
- Learning journey to accommodate a range of learning styles/preferences
- Frequency and variation of tools used
- Balance between teacher and student facilitation of learning
- Balance between active and passive learning
- Materials/resources up to date
- Extension activities available
- Clarity of instructions for student learning expectations
- Conducting of group or team work in online spaces
- Ease of navigation of online learning space
- Balance between how much F2F and how much online in blended courses
- Ability to 'flip' classroom
- Layout and ease of content resources
- Student engagement with content resources
- Student usage of content resources
- "Death by..." readings?
- "Death by..." narrated PowerPoint presentations?
- "Death by..." discussion forums?
- Instructions and resources that support assessment tasks
- Using the right online learning technology tool for the learning required