Leadership team

Prof Remco PolmanPro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Executive Dean, Institute of Health and Wellbeing Berwick (03) 8780 5713
Lanie Theodore Executive Support Officer Berwick (03) 5122 6189
Prof Andrew Lewis Deputy Dean Berwick (03) 5122 6393
Dr Shaun Watson Acting, Associate Dean Learning and Teaching  Mt Helen (03) 5327 9622
Prof Dr. Muhammad Aziz Rahman Research Advisor Berwick (03) 4313 7908
Anita Giannis Acting Head of Discipline, Paramedicine Mt Helen (03) 5327 6926
Assoc Prof Carolyn BaileyHead of Discipline, Midwifery Gippsland (03) 5122 8140
Prof Chyrisse Heine Head of Discipline, Speech Pathology Mt Helen (03) 5327 9444
Prof Aziz RahmanHead of Discipline, Public Health Berwick (03) 4313 7908
Prof Marie-Louise BirdHead of Discipline, Physiotherapy Gippsland  
Prof Rachel GrieveHead of Discipline, Psychology Mt Helen (03) 5122 6378
Prof Rob AugheyHead of Discipline, Exercise and Sport Science Mt Helen (03) 5327 6089
Prof Carolyn UnsworthHead of Discipline, Occupational Therapy Gippsland (03) 5122 6174
Assoc/Prof, Esther AdamaAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Workload & Timetabling)Mt Helen 
Prof Michael OlasojiAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Research)

Gippsland(03) 8780 5738
Assoc/Prof, Grainne LoweAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Partnerships & Engagement)

Berwick(03) 4313 7931
Assoc/Prof, Loretta GarveyAssociate Head of Discipline, Nursing (Curriculum & Accreditation)

Berwick(03) 8780 5716