Professor Carolyn Unsworth

Phone: (+61) 3 5122 6174
Position: Professor and Discipline Lead
Discipline: Occupational Therapy


Doctor of Philosophy, La Trobe University

Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education, Central Queensland University

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy), La Trobe University

Teaching areas

  • Occupational therapy rehabilitation
  • Clinical reasoning and decision making in health care
  • Outcome measurement in health care
  • Research methods/ evidence-based practice

Professional associations

  • Fellow, Occupational Therapy Australia Research Academy.
  • Member of:
    • Occupational Therapy Australia
    • Royal College of Occupational Therapists UK
    • American Occupational Therapy Association
    • World Federation of Occupational Therapists
    • Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association
    • Australasian College of Road Safety
    • International Traffic Medicine Association

Adjunct appointments

  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Neurosciences, Monash University, Victoria.
  • Adjunct Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, La Trobe University, Victoria.
  • Adjunct (previously Visiting) Professor, Department of Rehabilitation, Jönköping University, Sweden.
  • Road Safety Camera Commissioner Reference Group Member, appointed by Victorian Minister for Police.


  • Measuring the effectiveness of therapy using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs):
  • Assessing and educating people to use powered mobility devices safely:

Research interests

  • Driver assessment and rehabilitation for older drivers and drivers with disabilities
  • Community transport mobility for older people and people with disabilities
  • Public bus access and safety for people using mobility devices
  • Measuring health outcomes
  • Clinical reasoning and decision making in health care

Current projects

  • Access and safety for people using mobility devices on a low-floor electric bus fleet.
  • Effectiveness of wheelchair restraint mechanisms on public buses.
  • Identification of skills that predict driving capacity among people with early cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease
  • Development and effectiveness of driving simulator software to promote rehabilitation for older drivers and drivers with disability.
  • International collaboration examining community transport mobility and out-of-home participation among older people
  • Development and implementation of an outcome measure database across a national private health network
  • Using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT) to measure client outcomes through a homeless service in Scotland

Current Higher Degree by Research supervision

  • Driver assessment and rehabilitation
  • Powered mobility device use in aged care
  • Enhancing bus travel for people with disabilities
  • Clinical reasoning underpinning practice in neurological rehabilitation

Awards and grants


  • 2019 Central Queensland University on campus educator of the year, Student Voice Award.
  • 2017 recipient of Dean’s Outstanding Research Award School of Health Medical and Applied Sciences (Excellence in Research), Central Queensland University.
  • 2017 recipient of Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Research Award (Excellence in Research), Central Queensland University.

Grants (since 2010)

Title: An evaluation of early childhood screening services in the Latrobe Valley
Applicants: Lewis et al
Funder: Latrobe Health Assembly
Funding: $ 30,000      Date: 2023

Title: Public trial of a semi-active containment system on route buses: the “Mobility Device – Containment On Bus Options” (MD – COBO) system
Applicants: Unsworth & Kahandawa

Funder: Department of Transport
Funding: $ 332,000      Date: 2022

Title: Food Security and Wellbeing program evaluation
Applicants: Porter et al
Funder: Latrobe Health Assembly
Funding: $ 61,000      Date: 2022

Title: Testing of mobility device access spaces with a passive containment system on Brisbane Metro Vehicles
Applicants: Lewis et al
Funder: Latrobe Health Assembly
Funding: $ 17,000      Date: 2022

Title: The Right Treatment for the Right Person at the Right Time: Driving High-Value Aphasia Care through Meaningful Health System Monitoring
Applicants: Wallace et al
Funding: $ 451,221      Date: 2022

Title: Improving safety for bus passengers using wheelchairs and mobility scooters: Effectiveness of restraint systems
Applicants: Unsworth & Kahandawa
Funder: Department of Transport
Funding: $ 307,000      Date: 2021

Title: Increasing accessibility for passengers with disabilities using the Brisbane Metro
Applicants: Unsworth, Chua & Baker
Funder: Brisbane City Council
Funding: $ 28,000        Date: 2020

Title: Developing graded driving simulator scenarios for use in cognitive and perceptual rehabilitation
Applicants:  Baker, Gohil, Unsworth et al.
Funder: Federation University
Funding: $ 5,000          Date: 2020

Title: International innovations that promote rail passenger accessibility
Applicants: Naweed & Unsworth
Funder: Australian Centre for Rail Innovation
Funding: $  92,000       Date:2019

Title: National and international practices regarding wheelchair and mobility scooter restraint or tie down systems on public route buses
Applicants: Unsworth & Naweed
Funder: Public Transport Victoria
: $  56,000       Date: 2019

Title: Development and testing of an electronic outcome measure database for use in rehabilitation
Applicants: Schache, Timmer & Unsworth
Funder: Ramsay Health Care
Funding: $ 62,000        Date: 2019

Title: A Feedback System to Prevent Pressure Injuries due to Prolonged Static posture
Applicants: Gudimetla, De Silva & Unsworth
Funder: Central Queensland University
Funding: $ 50,000        Date: 2018

Title: Ticket to ride: promoting accessible bus journeys for mobility aid users
Applicants: Unsworth, Naweed & Dawson
Funder: Public Transport Victoria
Funding: $  145,000     Date: 2018-2019

Title: Situational factors contributing to musculoskeletal injuries in tram drivers on the G:Link
Applicants: Naweed & Unsworth
Funder: Keolis Downer
Funding: $ 66,000        Date: 2017

Title: Development of a MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Switch) to promote communication for people who are non-verbal
Applicants: Gudimetla, Unsworth and Community Lifestyle Solutions Inc. Bundaberg
Funder: Queensland Government- Advance Queensland: Knowledge Translation Grant
Funding: $ 41,000       Date:  2017

Title: Adventures with dementia:  How dementia inclusive is Bundaberg as a tourist destination?
: O’Reilly, Bielenberg, Franz, Shepherd & Unsworth
Funder:  Central Queensland University
Funding: $ 15,000       Date: 2016-2017

Title: The use of home automation for people with complex disabilities
Applicants: Unsworth
Funder: Pinarc Disability
Funding: $ 20,000       Date: 2015

Title: Investigating the effectiveness of a clinical driving simulator
Applicants: Unsworth et al
Funder: Central Queensland University
Funding: $ 147,000     Date: 2015

Title: Understanding mobility aid users’ access on public transport
Applicants: Unsworth & Tay
Funder: Public Transport Victoria
Funding: $ 23,000       Date: 2015

Title: The mobility needs of people with disabilities “Scoping our future research priorities”
Applicants: Harries, Unsworth et al.,
Funder: Motability, UK
Funding: $ 240,000     Date: 2015

Title: Process Evaluation of the implementation of the new Victorian state-wide Acquired Brain Injury Service and Outcomes Evaluation of the impact of the service on the long-term quality of life and community participation of people admitted to the service between 2016 and 2018
Applicants: Lannin et al.
Funder: The Transport Accident Commission and the Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research
Funding: $ 890,000      Date: 2014-2018

Title: Development of a web-based decision aid to assist occupational therapists to make optimal fitness-to-drive decisions for disabled and older drivers
Applicants: Harries & Unsworth
Funder: UK Occupational Therapy Research Foundation (UKOTRF)
Funding: $  120,000     Date: 2012- 2015

Title: A randomised controlled trial to determine the effect of location of assessment and number of assessments on driving test performance of people with recently diagnosed dementia
Applicants: Unsworth, Lovell, Russell & Woodward
Funder: Alzheimer’s Australia (Victoria)
Funding: $ 39,000        Date: 2011-2016

Title: An exploration of the community mobility difficulties experienced by people with arthritis and related musculoskeletal conditions
Applicants: Unsworth, Tay, Lovell, Russell, Brand, Woodward, McDonald & Odell
Funder: Arthritis Victoria
Funding: $ 10,000        Date: 2011

Title: The inter-rater reliability of the AusTOMs in Swedish
Applicants: Fristedt, Elgmark, Unsworth & Falkmer
Funder: Jonkoping County Council, Sweden
Funding: $ 15,000        Date: 2010

Title: Inter- rater reliability of a standardised off-road (clinic-based) assessment battery used in licensing recommendations for older and functionally impaired drivers
Applicants: Unsworth et al.
Funder: La Trobe University
Funding: $10,000        Date: 2010


Books and assessments

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Cognitive and perceptual disorders: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2014). AusTOMs for Occupational Therapy (3rd ed.). La Trobe University, Melbourne. ISBN 978-1-921-91534-5

Unsworth, C.A. Pallant, J.P., Russell, K.J. & Odell, M. (2011).  OT–DORA Battery: Occupational Therapy Driver Off-Road Assessment Battery. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.

Dickson, N., Unsworth, C. A., & Gohil, A. (2022). Powered Mobility Device Autonomy Residential Screen (PoMoDARS). Melbourne, Victoria:

Townsend, N., & Unsworth, C. A., (2019). Powered Mobility Device Assessment and Training Tool (PoMoDATT). Melbourne, Victoria:

Fields, S. M., Unsworth, C. A., & Harreveld, R. E. (2018). Australian Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors. Melbourne, Victoria: Occupational Therapy Australia. ISBN 978-0-646-99839-8

Book chapters

Unsworth, C.A. (2023).  Professional reasoning and reflective practice.  In M.L. Blount., P. Kramer et al (Ed.), The Texture of Life (5th ed). (pp. 107-123). Bethesda: AOTA Press.

Unsworth, C.A. (2020).  The evolving theory of clinical reasoning.  In E.A.S. Duncan (Ed.), Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy (6th ed). Edinburgh: Elsevier.

Scanlon, J., Brentnall, J., & Unsworth, C. (2020 forthcoming). Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy practice. In Brown, T., Bourke-Taylor, H., Isbel, S., & Cordier, R (eds.).  Occupational Therapy in Australia:  Professional and Practice Issues.  Sydney:  Allen & Unwin.

Unsworth, C.A.  (2019). Assessment and treatment planning strategies for cognitive and perceptual dysfunction.  In S.B. O'Sullivan, T.J. Schmitz & G. Fulk (Eds.), Physical rehabilitation: Assessment and treatment (7th ed). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Fields, S. M., Unsworth, C. A., & Harreveld, R. E. (2018). Australian Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors. Melbourne, Victoria: Occupational Therapy Australia. ISBN 978-0-646-99839-8

Unsworth, C.A. (2018). Research and scholarship in professional reasoning.  In B.B. Schell and J.W. Schell (Eds.), Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy (pp. 371- 400). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Baker, A., & Unsworth, C.A. (2018). Professional reasoning in driver assessment and rehabilitation.  In B.B. Schell and J.W. Schell (Eds.), Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy (pp. 371- 400). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Unsworth, C.A. (2019).  Using AusTOMs-OT to measure global client outcomes.  In B.J. Hemphill-Pearson & C.K. Urish (Eds.), Assessments in Occupational Therapy Mental Health: An Integrative Approach (3rd Ed.). New Jersey: SLACK.

Unsworth, C.A. (2017).  Cognitive and perceptual strategies.  In M. Curtin, M. Egan & J. Adams (Eds.), Occupational therapy for people experiencing illness, injury or impairment (7th ed. pp610- 635). Oxford: Elsevier.

Unsworth, C.A. (2017).  An overview of professional reasoning within occupational therapy practice.  In M. Curtin, M. Egan & J. Adams (Eds.). Occupational therapy for people experiencing illness, injury or impairment (7th ed. pp90-104).Oxford: Elsevier.

Unsworth, C.A. (2016).  How therapists think: Exploring therapists’ reasoning when working with patients who have cognitive and perceptual problems following stroke.  In G. Gillen & A. Burkhardt (Eds.), Stroke Rehabilitation: A function-based approach (4thed, e chapter 32). St. Louis: Mosby.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2014). AusTOMs for Occupational Therapy translated into Arabic by Yasar Awad.  La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Unsworth, C.A. (2014).  Driving for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In K. Haertl (Ed.), Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Strategies for Occupational Therapy (pp355-374).  Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.

Preece, M.H.W., Unsworth, C.A., Odell, M. (2012).   Driving After TBI.  In N.D. Zasler, D. Katz, & R. Zafonte (Eds). Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice (2nd Ed, pp 1302- 1314). New York, DemosMedical.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2011). AusTOMs for Occupational Therapy.  Swedish Translation undertaken by Fristedt, S., Jonsson, L., Londos, Y., & Timen, E. Swedish Occupational Therapy Association, Stockholm, Sweden.

Unsworth, C.A. (2011).  The evolving theory of clinical reasoning.  In E.A.S. Duncan (Ed.), Foundations for Practice in Occupational Therapy (5th ed, pp. 209- 231). Edinburgh: Elsevier.

Unsworth, C.A. (2011).  How therapists think: Exploring therapists’ reasoning when working with patients who have cognitive and perceptual problems following stroke.  In G.Gillen & A. Burkhardt (Eds.), Stroke Rehabilitation: A function-based approach (3rd ed, pp. 438- 455). St. Louis: Mosby.

Unsworth, C.A. (2010).  Strategies for clients with cognitive and perceptual dysfunction.  In M.Curtin, M. Molineux & J. Supyk-Mellson (Eds.), Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction: Enabling Occupation (pp. 607- 635). Oxford: Elsevier.

Unsworth, C.A. (2009). Assessing older drivers with health-related problems: An occupational therapy approach. In M. Odell. (Ed). Older road users - Myths and Realities.  A guide for medical and legal professionals (pp.239- 271). Tuscon, AZ: Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company Inc.

Ballek, D.L. & Unsworth, C.A. (2009). Quantitative research: Surveys and questionnaires. In A. Perry, M. Morris & S. Cotton (Eds). Handbook for Allied Health Researchers (pp.40-46). Melbourne: Menzies Foundation.

Unsworth, C.A. (2008).  Review of methodologies for researching clinical reasoning.  In B.B. Schell and J.W. Schell (Eds.), Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy (pp. 371- 400). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Schell, B.B., Unsworth, C.A. & Schell, J.W. (2008).  Theory and practice: New directions for research in professional reasoning.  In B.B. Schell and J.W. Schell (Eds.), Clinical and professional reasoning in occupational therapy (pp. 401- 431). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2007). AusTOMs for Occupational Therapy (2nd ed.). La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Unsworth, C.A. (2006). Assessment and treatment planning strategies for cognitive and perceptual dysfunction.  In S.B. O'Sullivan & T.J. Schmitz (Eds.), Physical rehabilitation: Assessment and treatment (5th ed, pp.1149-1188).  Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2004). AusTOMs for Occupational Therapy. La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Unsworth, C.A. (2004).  How therapists think: Exploring therapists’ reasoning when working with patients who have cognitive and perceptual problems following stroke.  In G. Gillen & A. Burkhardt (Eds.), Stroke Rehabilitation: A function-based approach (2nd ed, pp. 358- 375). St. Louis: Mosby.

Unsworth, C.A. (2004).  Descriptive and exploratory data analysis.  In V. Minichiello et al. (Ed.), Research methods for nursing and health sciences 2nd ed, (pp. 516- 542). Sydney: Pearson, Prentice hall.

Skeat, J., Perry, A., Morris, M., Unsworth, C., Duckett, S., Dodd, K., Taylor, N. (2003). The use of the ICF framework in an allied health outcome measure:  Australian Therapy Outcome Measures (AusTOMs). In Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ICF Australian user guide. Version 1.0. (pp. 77- 81). Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Unsworth, C.A. & Warburg, C.L. (2001).  Assessment and treatment planning strategies for cognitive and perceptual dysfunction. In S.B. O'Sullivan & T.J. Schmitz (Eds.), Physical rehabilitation: Assessment and treatment (4th ed, pp. 961- 999).  Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Introduction to cognitive and perceptual dysfunction: Theoretical approaches.  In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 1- 41). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Clinical reasoning in occupational therapy.  In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders:  A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 43- 73). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Reflections on the process of therapy in cognitive and perceptual dysfunction.  In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 75- 124). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Evaluation and intervention with concentration impairment. In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders:  A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 125- 161). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Laver, A., & Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Evaluation and intervention with simple perceptual impairment (agnosias).  In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 299- 356). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Corben, L., & Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Evaluation and intervention with unilateral neglect.  In C.A. Unsworth, Cognitive and perceptual disorders: A clinical reasoning approach to evaluation and intervention (pp 357- 392). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999).  Descriptive statistics.  In V. Minichiello (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health (pp. 479- 498). Sydney: Addison Wesley.   Fristedt

Unsworth, C.A. (1998).  Ergonomics for one:  Cognitive disabilities.  In V. Berg Rice (Ed.), Ergonomics in health care and rehabilitation (pp. 79- 110). Newton MA: Butterworth Heinemann.

Vanderwerff, S.M., Unsworth, C.A., Hutchens, J., & Thomas, F. (1989). Feeling great: A do it yourself guide. Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Melbourne.


Unsworth, C. (2020).  Writing systematic, scoping, and app reviews:  summarizing and appraising best evidence. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(5), 277-284.

Unsworth, C.A. (2017). Review papers:  Getting the best occupational therapy evidence into practice. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80 (3) 143-144.

Harries, P.A., & Unsworth, C.A. (2015). Special Issue Part 1 Community mobility. Driving and community mobility: clinical assessment of fitness to drive.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(2), 71-72

Unsworth, C.A., & Harries, P.A. (2015). Special Issue Part II Community mobility. Driving and community mobility: Interventions to enable driving. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(6) 337–338

Harries, P.A. & Unsworth, C.A. (2013).  Clinical Assessment of fitness-to-drive:  Positioning occupational therapy for workforce development. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76 (7), 299.

Unsworth, C.A. (2012).Community mobility promotes participation for people of all ages and ability. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59(1), 1.

Unsworth, C.A. (2011). Evidence-based practice depends on the routine use of outcome measures.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(5), 209.

Refereed journal articles

Unsworth, C.A., & Timmer, A.J. (2023). A systematic review of wheelchair and mobility scooter containment systems used internationally on public transit buses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,20, 6952.

Das Neves, B., Unsworth, C.A., & Browning, C. (2023). “Being treated like an actual person”: Attitudinal access on the bus.  Mobilities.  JIF= 2.574, Q1.

Dickson, N., Gohil, A. Unsworth, C.A. (2023in press). Initial validation of the powered mobility device autonomy residential screen (PoMoDARS).  Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy,

Dickson, N., Unsworth, C.A., & Gohil, A. (2023). Powered Mobility Device use in Residential Aged Care: A Retrospective Audit of Incidents and Injuries.  BMG Geriatrics. 23:363  

Unsworth, C.A., Baker, A., Brito, S., Das Neves, B., Dickson, N., Gohil, A., Kahandawa, G., Naweed, A., & Timmer, A. (2022). Views of American and Australian mobility device users and ambulant bus users regarding occupant restraint systems on public buses. Journal of Transport and Health, 25, 1-13.

Fields, S., Unsworth, C.A., Harreveld, B. (2022).  Education leads to increased adherence to the ‘Australian Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors’. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30 (6), 837-852.

Naweed, A., Bowditch, L., Trigg, J., & Unsworth, C.A. (2022). Injury by design: a thematic network and system dynamics analysis of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in tram drivers. Applied Ergonomics, 100,

Unsworth, C.A., Baker, A., Morton-Kehle D., & Darzins, S. (2022). Survey of Occupational Therapy driver assessors’ rehabilitation interventions with older drivers.  OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 42(2), 115-126.

Unsworth, C.A., Dickerson, A., Gelinas, I., Harries, P., Margot-Cattin, I., Mazer, B., Stapleton, T., Swanepoel, L., Timmer, A., Van Niekerk, L., & Vrkljan, B. (2022). Linking people and activities through community transport mobility: An international comparison of the mobility patterns of older people. Ageing and Society, 42,1938-1963

Unsworth, C.A., Chua, J., Naweed, A., & Gudimetla, P. (2021). Powered Mobility Aid Access on Public Transport: A Validation Study of Compliance with Disability Standards. Journal of Transport and Health, 22, 1-12.

Fields, S., Unsworth, C.A., Harreveld, B. (2021).  The Revision of Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors in Australia: A Mixed Methods Approach.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 68(3).

Alderdice, E., Wolfe, D., Timmer, A.J., & Unsworth, C.A. (2021).  The use of the AusTOMs-OT to record outcomes in an occupational therapy homeless service. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85 (9),669-676,

McGregor, F.A., & Unsworth, C.A. (2021).  Menstrual hygiene management strategies for women who are blind or visually impaired. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1-13,

Lannin, N.A., Galea, C., Coulter, M., Gruen, R., Jolliffe, L., Onsworth, T., Schmidt, J., Unsworth, C.A. (2021).  Feasibility of modifying the hospital environment to reduce length of amnesia after traumatic brain injury: a pilot randomised controlled trial.  International Journal for Quality in Health Care.,

Bryden, G., Rockloff, M., Browne, M., & Unsworth, C.A. (2021).  Effects of contamination and purity priming on attitudes to vaccination and other health interventions:  A randomised controlled experiment.  Vaccine,

Lannin, N., Coulter, M., Laver, K., Hyett, N., Ratcliffe, J., Holland, A., Callaway, L., English, C., Bragge, P., Hill, S., & Unsworth C. (2021). Public perspectives on acquired brain injury rehabilitation and components of care: A Citizens’ Jury.  Health Expectations. 1-11,

Scott, H., Unsworth, C., Browne, M. (2021).  Fitness to drive practices among non-driver trained occupational therapists in an Australian community-based rehabilitation setting.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 68(5), 363-373.

Lieshout, K., Oates, K., Baker, A., Unsworth, C., Cameron, I., Schmidt, J., Lannin, N. (2020).  Burden and preparedness amongst informal caregivers of adults with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6386. doi:10.3390/ijerph17176386

Unsworth, C.A., Hext, G., Baker, A., Ratzon, N., & Browne, M. (2020 accepted). Maze test score time adjustments when using non-dominant hand in fitness to drive assessments. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research.

Unsworth, C.A., Chua, J., & Gudimetla, P. (2020). A 3D Measurement and Computerized Meshing Study to Promote Bus Ridership Among People Using Powered Mobility Aids. Frontiers in Built Environment, Transportation and Transit Systems, 6 (90), 1- 12 doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2020.00090

Williams, C.M., Davies, N., Kolic, J., Caserta, A., James, A.M., & Unsworth, C.A. (2020 accepted).  Validity and reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures – Physiotherapy, for Podiatry (AusTOMs-PT for use in Podiatry).  Journal of Foot and Ankle Research.

Naweed, A., Unsworth, Bowditch, L., & Trigg, J. (2020). Out on a limb:  Applying the Person-Environment-Occupation Performance model to examine injury-linked factors among light rail drivers. Safety Science, 127, 1-18

Unsworth, C.A., So, M.H., Chua, J., Gudimetla, P., & Naweed, A. (2020). A systematic review of public transport accessibility for people using mobility devices. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Esparza, J., Gudimetla, P., & De Silva, S., & Unsworth, C.A., (2019). An early warning system for diabetic automobile drivers with peripheral neuropathy. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1686076

Unsworth, C.A., Rawat, V., Sullivan, J., Tay, R., Naweed, A., & Gudimetla, P. (2019).  ‘I’m very visible but seldom seen.” Consumer choice and use of mobility aids on public transport.  Disability and Rehabilitation- Assistive Technology, 14 (2), 122- 132 DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2017.1407829

Timmer, A.J., Unsworth, C.A., & Browne, M. (2019).  A randomized controlled trial protocol investigating effectiveness of an activity pacing program for deconditioned older adults. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 86(2), 136-147.

Townsend, K.A., & Unsworth, C.A., (2019). Inter-rater reliability, agreement and construct validity of the Powered Mobility Device Assessment Training Tool (PoMoDATT). Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 66 (3), 393- 400.

Unsworth, C.A., Baker, A., Lannin, N., Harries, P., Strahan, J., & Browne, M. (2019). Predicting fitness-to-drive following stroke using the Occupational Therapy – Driver Off Road Assessment Battery. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41:15, 1797-1802.


Bryden, G., Browne, M., Rockloff, M., & Unsworth, C.A. (2019).  The privilege paradox: Geographic areas with highest socioeconomic advantage have the lowest rates of vaccination. Vaccine, 37, 4525-4532.

Timmer, A.J., Unsworth, C.A., & Browne, M. (2019).  Occupational therapy and activity pacing with hospital associated deconditioned older adults: a randomised controlled study. Disability and Rehabilitation,

Unsworth, C.A., Russell, K., Lovell, R., Woodward, M., & Browne, M (2019).  Effect of navigation problems, assessment location and a practice test on driving assessment performance for people with Alzheimer's disease.  Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 67, (3), 1035-1043. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-181069.

Bryden, G., Browne, M., Rockloff, M., & Unsworth, C.A. (2018).  Anti-vaccination and pro-CAM attitudes both reflect magical beliefs about health.  Vaccine, 36 (9), 1277-1234.

Unsworth, C.A., Chua, J., Naweed, A., Gudimetla, P., Nguyen, T.D., Barnes, D.G. (2018). Use of 3D scanning technology to determine bus access for people using powered mobility aids. Journal of Transport and Health, 10, 350-360.

Unsworth, C.A., Timmer, A., & Wales, K. (2018). Reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT). Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 65 (5), 375- 386.  doi: 10.1111/1440-1630.12476

Sansonetti, D., Nicks, R., & Unsworth, C.A. (2018). Barriers and enablers to aligning rehabilitation goals to patient life roles following acquired brain injury Australian Occupational Therapy Journal doi10.1111/1440-1630.12492

Cooksley, R., Maguire, E., Lannin, N.A, Unsworth, C.A., Farquhar, M., Galea, C., Mitra., B., Schmidt, J. (2018). Persistent symptoms and activity changes three months after mild traumatic brain injury. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 65, 168-175. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1630.12457
*Top 20 most read articles in AOTJ in 2017-2018.

Hilton, G.; Unsworth, C. Stuckey, R and Murphy, G. (2018). The experience of seeking, gaining and maintaining employment after traumatic spinal cord injury. Work, 59 (1) 67- 84. doi: 10.3233/WOR-172660

Harries, P.A., Unsworth, C.A., Gokalp, H., Davies, M., Tomlinson, C. & Harries, L. (2018).  A randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness of decision training on assessors' ability to determine optimal fitness-to-drive recommendations for older or disabled drivers.  BMC Medical Education, 18 (27), 1-10.

Vaucher, P., Choi, M., Gelinas, I., Harries, P., Cattin, I.M., Mazer, B., Van Niekerk, L., Patomella, A-H., Stapleton, T., Swanepoel, L., Unsworth, C.A. & Vrkljan, B. (2018).  Development of the International expert advisory panel on Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT) to co-ordinate research on transport mobility.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81(5), 245-246,DOI: 10.1177/0308022617733389.

Hilton, G.; Unsworth, C. and Murphy, G. (2018). The experience of attempting to return to work following spinal cord injury: A systematic review of the qualitative literature.  Disability and Rehabilitation. doi:10.1080/09638288.2017.1312566

Unsworth, C.A., Baker, A., So, M.H., Harries, P., O’Neill, D. (2017). A systematic review of evidence for fitness-to-drive among people with the mental health conditions of schizophrenia, stress/anxiety disorder, depression, personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 318- 328 doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1481-1.

Unsworth, C.A. (2017).  Analysing and interpreting outcomes data to support evidence-based practice using the example of AusTOMs-OT.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80 (10), 631- 637.

Fields, S., & Unsworth, C.A. (2017). Revision of the Competency Standards for Occupational Therapy Driver Assessors: An overview of the evidence for the inclusion of cognitive and perceptual assessments within fitness-to-drive evaluations.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64 (4), 328- 339.

Hilton, G., Unsworth, C., Murphy, G., Browne, M. & Olver, J. (2017). Longitudinal employment outcomes of an early-intervention Vocational Rehabilitation service for people admitted to rehabilitation with a traumatic spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 55 (8), 743- 752. doi:10.1038/sc.2017.24

Bruce, C. R., Unsworth, C. A., Dillon, M. P., Tay, R., Falkmer, T., Bird, P., & Carey, L. M. (2017). Hazard Perception skills of young drivers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be improved with computer-based driver training: An exploratory randomised controlled trial. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 109, 70-77.

D’ Cruz, K., Unsworth, C.A., Roberts, K., Morarty, J., Turner-Stokes, L., Wellington-Boyd, A., Matchado, J., & Lannin, N. (2016). Engaging patients with a moderate to severe acquired brain injury in goal setting.  International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 23(1), 20-31.

Unsworth, C.A. & Chan, S-P. (2016). Determining fitness-to-drive among drivers with Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79 (2), 102- 110.

Unsworth, C.A. & Baker, A.  (2016). A systematic review of professional reasoning literature in occupational therapy.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 79(1), 5-16.

Hobson, E., Lannin, N., Taylor, A., Farquhar, M., Morarty, J., & Unsworth, C.A. (2016). Determining client cognitive status following mild traumatic brain injury. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 23(2), 138-146.

Timmer, A, Unsworth, C.A. & Taylor, N. (2015). Occupational therapy inpatient rehabilitation interventions with deconditioned older adults following an acute hospital admission: A Delphi study.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 62, 41-49.

Baker, A, Unsworth, C.A. & Lannin, N.A. (2015). Fitness-to-drive after mild traumatic brain injury:  Mapping the time trajectory of recovery in the acute stages post injury. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 79, 50-55.

Baker, A, Unsworth, C.A. & Lannin, N.A. (2015). What information is provided in Australian emergency departments about fitness-to-drive after mild traumatic brain injury:  A national survey. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 78 (2), 73- 84.

Bruce, C., Unsworth, C. A., Tay, R., & Dillon, M. P. (2015). Development and validation of the Occupational Therapy Risk Propensity Test (OT-RiPT) for drivers with disability. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 22(2), 147-152.

Unsworth, C.A., Harries, P.A. & Davies (2015). Using Social Judgment Theory method to examine how experienced occupational therapy driver assessors use information to make fitness-to-drive recommendations.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78 (2), 109-120.

Unsworth, C.A., Coulson, M., Swinton, L., Cole, H., & Sarigiannis, M. (2015). Determination of the minimum clinically important difference on the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT).  Disability and Rehabilitation,37 (11), 997-1003. DOI 10.3109/09638288.2014.952450

Baker, A, Unsworth, C.A. & Lannin, N.A. (2015). Determining fitness-to-drive: A systematic review of methods and assessments used after mild traumatic brain injury.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78 (2), 73- 84.

Iacono, T., Bigby, C., Unsworth, C., Douglas, J., Fitzpatrick, P. (2014).  A systematic review of hospital experiences of people with intellectual disability.  Health Services Research, 14, 505- 512.

Timmer, A, Unsworth, C.A. & Taylor, N. (2014). Rehabilitation interventions with deconditioned older adults following an acute hospital admission:  A systematic review.  Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(11), 1078-1086.

Unsworth, C.A. & Baker, A. (2014). Driver rehabilitation:  A systematic review of the types and effectiveness of interventions used by occupational therapists to improve on-road fitness-to-drive.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, 71, 106-114.

Bruce, C., & Unsworth, C.A., Tay, R. (2014). A systematic review of the effectiveness of behavioral interventions for improving driving outcomes in novice drivers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (7), 348- 357.

Abu-Awad, Y., Unsworth, C.A., Coulson, M., & Sarigiannis, M. (2014). Using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT) to measure client participation outcomes.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (2), 44-49.

Krishnasamy, K., Unsworth, C., & Howie, L. (2013). Exploring the mobility preferences and perceived difficulties in using transport and driving with a sample of healthy and out-patient older adults in Singapore. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 60 (2) 129-137.

Fristedt, S., Elgmark, E. & Unsworth, C.A. (2013). The inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the Self-care and Transfer scales and intra-rater reliability of all scales of the Swedish translation of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT-S). Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 20, 182- 189.

Krishnasamy, C., & Unsworth, C.A. (2012).  Validity of the Occupational Therapy Drive Home Maze Test for right and left-handed test takers. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 49, 274- 277.

Chaffey, L., Unsworth, C., & Fossey, E. (2012). The relationship of intuition and emotional intelligence among occupational therapists in mental health practice. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66 (1), 88- 96.

Unsworth, C.A., Baker, A., Taitz, C., Chan, SP, Pallant, J.F, Russell, K., & Odell, M. & Coulson, M. (2012).Development of a standardised Occupational Therapy Driver Off Road Assessment (OT-DORA) battery to assess older and/ or functionally impaired drivers. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 59(1), 23- 36.

Krishnasamy, C., Unsworth, C., & Howie, L. (2011).  The patterns of activity, and transport to activities among older adults in Singapore.  Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 21 (2), 80-87.

Unsworth, C.A., Pallant, J.F, Russell, K., Odell, M. & Coulson, M. (2011).Inter-rater reliability of the Road Law and Road Craft test as part of the OT-DORA Batter for off-road Driver assessment. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74, 394- 39.

Sheppard, L. & Unsworth, C.A. (2011).Developing skills in everyday activities and self-determination in adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Remedial and Special Education 32 (5), 393-405.

Unsworth, C.A., (2011).Gaining insights to the clinical reasoning that supports an on-road driver assessment. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(2), 97- 102.

Krishnasamy, C., & Unsworth, C.A. (2011).  Normative data, preliminary inter rater reliability and predictive validity of the Drive Home Maze Test. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25, 88- 95.

Unsworth, C.A., Pallant, J.F., Russell, K.J., Germano, C., & Odell, M. (2010). Validation of a test of road law and road craft knowledge with older or functionally impaired drivers. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64(2), 306–315.

Unsworth, C. A. (2010). Issues surrounding driving and driver assessment for people with mental health problems.   Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 15 (2), 41- 44.

Chaffey, L., Unsworth, CA, & Fossey, E. (2010).  A grounded theory of intuition among occupational therapists in mental health practice.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73 (7), 300-308.

Brown, T., & Unsworth, C. (2009). Construct validity of the test of visual-motor integration: An evaluation using rasch analysis. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(1), 2- 13.

Brown, T., Unsworth, C. & Lyons, C. (2009). An evaluation of the construct validity of the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration using the Rasch measurement Model. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 56(6), 393- 402.

Brown, T., Unsworth, C. & Lyons, C. (2009). Factor Structure of Four Visual-Motor Instruments Commonly used to Evaluate School-Aged Children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(6), 710- 723.

Unsworth, C.A., Bearup, A., & Rickard, K. (2009). A benchmark comparison of outcomes for clients with upper limb dysfunction following stroke using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT). American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63 (6), 732- 743.

Brown, T., Unsworth, C. (2009). Construct validity of the Test of Visual-Motor Skills-Revised (TVMS-R): An evaluation using the Rasch Measurement Model. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16 (3), 133-145.

Brown, T., & Unsworth, (2009). Evaluating construct validity of the Slossen visual-motor performance test using the rasch measurement model. Perceptual Motor Skills, 108, 367- 382.

Brown, T., Unsworth, C., Lyons, C. (2009). The internal consistency and concurrent validity of four instruments used to evaluate the visual motor integration skills of school-aged children. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 2 (1), 35- 50.

Clemson, L., Bundy, A., Unsworth, C., & Singh, M.F. (2009). Validation of a modified Assessment of Living Skills and Resources (ALSAR), an IADL measure for older people. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31 (5), 359-369.

Unsworth, C.A. (2008). Using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs-OT) to measure outcomes for clients following stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 15 (4), 351- 364.

Unsworth, C.A., Wells, Y., Browning, C., Kendig, H., & Thomas, S.A (2008). To continue, modify or relinquish driving:  Findings from a longitudinal study of healthy ageing. Gerontology: International Journal of Experimental, Clinical and Behavioral Gerontology, 53, 423- 431.

Unsworth, C.A. (2007). Development and current status of occupational therapy driver assessment and rehabilitation in Victoria, Australia. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 54, 153- 156.

Unsworth, C.A., (2007). Using social judgment theory to study occupational therapists’ use of information when making licensing recommendations to older and functionally impaired drivers.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61 (5), 493- 502.

Scott, F., Unsworth, C.A., Fricke, J., Taylor, N. (2006). Reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs – OT) Self-care scale. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 53, 265- 276.

Winkler, D., Unsworth, C.A. & Sloan, S. (2006). Factors that lead to successful community integration following severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 21(1), 8-21.

Unsworth, C.A., & Duncombe, D. (2005). A comparison of client outcomes from two acute care neurological services using self-care data from the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs - OT). British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(10), 477- 482.

Morris, M., Perry, A., Unsworth, C., Skeat, J., Taylor, N., Dodd, K., Duncombe., D., & Duckett, S. (2005).  Reliability of the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for quantifying disability and health International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12(8), 340-346.

Unsworth, C.A. (2005). Measuring outcomes using the Australian Therapy Outcome Measures for Occupational Therapy (AusTOMs - OT): Data description and tool sensitivity. British Journal of Occupational Therapy,68(8), 354- 366.

Winkler, D., Unsworth, C.A. & Sloan, S. (2005). Time-use following a severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Occupational Science, 12(2), 69-81.

Mitchell, R. & Unsworth, C.A. (2005). Clinical reasoning during community health home visits: Expert and novice differences. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(5), 215-223.

Eyres, L., & Unsworth, C.A. (2005) Occupational therapy in acute hospitals: The effectiveness of a pilot program to maintain occupational performance in older clients. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 52, 218- 224.

Unsworth, C.A. Lovell, R., Terrington, N., & Thomas, S. (2005). Review of tests contributing to the occupational therapy off-road driver assessment. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 52, 57- 74.

Unsworth, C.A. (2005). Using a head-mounted video camera to explore current conceptualizations of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59, 31- 40.

Perry, A., Morris, M., Unsworth, C., Duckett, S., Skeat, J., Dodd, K., Taylor, N. & Riley, K. (2004).  Therapy Outcome Measures for Allied Health Practitioners in Australia: The AusTOMs.  International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 16 (4), 285- 291.

Unsworth, C., Duckett, S., Duncombe, D., Perry, A., Skeat, J., Taylor., N. (2004). Validity of the AusTOM Scales:  A comparison of the AusTOMs and EuroQol-5D. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes,2, 64-75.

Fricke, J., Collister, L. & Unsworth, C.A. (2004). Commentary – A home-based occupational therapy environmental modification program for caregivers had a modest effect on the performance of IADL in people with dementia, while for some caregiver subgroups, there was improved efficacy and reduced upset. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 51, 166- 169.

Mitchell, R. & Unsworth, C.A. (2004). Role perceptions and clinical reasoning of community health occupational therapists undertaking home visits. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 51, 13- 24.

Unsworth, C.A. (2004). Clinical Reasoning:  How do worldview, pragmatic reasoning and client-centredness fit? British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, 10- 19.

Stagnitti, K., & Unsworth, C.A. (2004).  The test-retest reliability of the child-initiated pretend play assessment.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58, 93- 99.

Unsworth, C. A. & Thomas, S.A. (2003). External validation of a housing recommendation model for clients following stroke rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 25, 1208- 1218.

Unsworth, C.A., & Cunningham, D.T. (2002).  Examining the evidence base for occupational therapy with clients following stroke.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 21- 29.

Unsworth, C.A. (2001).  The clinical reasoning of novice and expert occupational therapists. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8, 163-173.

Unsworth, C.A. (2001). Using a head-mounted video camera to study clinical reasoning.  American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 55, 582- 588.

Fricke J, Unsworth, C.A. (2001). Time use and the importance of instrumental activities of daily living. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 48, 118- 131.

Unsworth, C.A. (2001). Selection for rehabilitation:  Acute care discharge patterns of stroke and orthopeadic patients.  International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 24, 103- 114.

Hilton K, Fricke J, & Unsworth C.A. (2001). A comparison of self-report versus observation of performance using the Assessment of Living Skills and Resources (ALSAR) with an older population. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64, 135- 143.

Stagnitti, K., Unsworth, C.A. & Rogers, S. (2000).  Development of an assessment to identify play behaviours that discriminate between the play of typical pre-schoolers and pre-schoolers with pre- academic problems.  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, 291- 303.

Stagnitti, K., & Unsworth, C.A. (2000).  The importance of pretend play in child development:  An occupational therapy perspective.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63, 121- 127.

Unsworth, C.A. (2000).  Measuring the outcome of occupational therapy:  Tools and resources.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 47, 147- 158.

Unsworth, C.A. (1999). Living with epilepsy: Safety during home, leisure and work activities.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 46, 89- 98.

Lindquist, B., & Unsworth, C.A. (1999).  Occupational therapy - reflections on the state of the art. Bulletin of the World Federation of Occupational Therapy, 38, 8 - 13.

Fricke, J., & Unsworth, C.A. (1998). Occupational therapists' conceptions of instrumental activities of daily living in relation to evaluation and intervention with older adults.  Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5, 180- 191.

Dean, D., & Unsworth, C. A. (1997). Agreement between occupational therapists' and clients' with stroke agreement on three outcome measures.  Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 4, 6- 13.

Unsworth, C.A., Thomas, S.A. & Greenwood, K.M.  (1997).  Decision polarization among rehabilitation team recommendations concerning discharge housing for stroke patients. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 20, 51-68.

Unsworth, C.A., Osberg, J.S., & Graham, A. (1997).  Admitting pediatric trauma patients to rehabilitation following acute care:  Decision making practices in the U.S.A. and Australia.  Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation, 1, 207- 218.

Unsworth, C.A., & Townsend, M.C. (1997). Occupational therapists' skills and attitudes regarding use of computers and assistive technology. Occupational Therapy International, 4 (1), 52- 65.

Fricke, J., & Unsworth, C. A. (1997). Inter-rater reliability of the original and modified Barthel Index, and a comparison with the Functional independence Measure.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 44, 22- 29.

Osberg, J.S., & Unsworth, C.A. (1997).  Trauma-rehabilitation connections:  Discharge and admission decisions for children.  Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation, 1, 131- 146.

Yeh, L.S., Unsworth, C.A., & Smith, H.D. (1996). Performance of chopstick use in healthy Taiwanese adults and clients with rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract.  Arthritis and Rheumatism, 39 (9), 12.

Unsworth, C.A. (1996). Clients' perceptions of discharge housing decisions following stroke rehabilitation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 50(3), 207- 216.

Unsworth, C.A. (1996). Team decision making in rehabilitation.  American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 75, 483- 484.

Unsworth, C.A., Thomas, S.A. & Greenwood, K.M. (1995). Rehabilitation team decisions concerning discharge housing for stroke patients.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 76, 331- 340.

Unsworth, C.A. (1993).  The concept of function.  British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 56, 287- 292.

Unsworth, C.A., & Thomas, S.A. (1993).  Information use in discharge accommodation recommendations for stroke patients. Clinical Rehabilitation, 7, 181- 188.

Fricke, J., Unsworth, C.A., & Worrell, D. (1993).  Reliability of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) with Occupational Therapists. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 40, 5- 13.

Fricke, J., & Unsworth, C.A. (1992). Viewpoint: The status of activities of daily living: A Victorian perspective.  Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 39,29-31.