Student Senate

Heading reads Student Senate Your Voice. Meet your new Student Senate representatives!

Election Outcome

Congratulations and a warm welcome to our new student reps! We can't wait to see the incredible impact you'll make in representing our student community.


Ballarat and surrounds area student rep


Equity, diversity and social inclusion advocate

Janvi Abrol

Gippsland area student rep Jubin Raju
Institute of Education, Arts and Community student repRahab Mwaniki & Yakun (Christina) Pei

Academic Board


Higher Degree Research student rep

Shariq Ali Khan

Higher Education student rep

Yakun (Christina) Pei

Learning and Teaching Quality Committee


Higher Degree Research student rep

Genelle Jones

Who are we?

The Student Senate is the University's peak student representative body. We are here to:

  • raise your feedback with senior University staff,
  • advocate on your behalf and represent Federation students,
  • help you find the right university service on campus and online,
  • work with you to propose a change at Federation University.

Every Student Senate Representative gets their hands on the Student Senate Induction Manual. It's like your ultimate guide to rocking it in the Senate!

What do we do?

We are governed by our Terms of Reference (pdf 274kb).

To gain insight into the wide range of tasks undertaken by the Senate, check out the minutes of the meetings or access our annual reports. Find out more.

Why join the Student Senate

Meet Thomas, our Student Senate Executive Officer! Curious about why Student Senate is YOUR perfect fit? Let Thomas break it down for you.

Got any ideas or concerns about Fed? Here're your go-to people.

Our Student Reps

Jase Squires - Distance Education/Off Campus Student Rep

Samuel Crane - First Nations Student Rep

Alatun Noor Moon - IHW Student Rep

Gurjeet Singh - IHW Student Rep

Ashutosh Parajuli - Postgrad Student Rep

Kevin Alexander - Berwick Student Rep

Tamim Hasan - Ballarat and Surrounds Student Rep

Vaibhav - Ballarat and Surrounds Student Rep

Zachary Tan - IISS Student Rep

Prapti Bista - IISS Student Rep

Monzurul Hasan - International Student Rep

Janvi Abrol – Equity, Diversity and Social Inclusion Advocate

Yakun (Christina) Pei – IEAC Student Rep

Rahab Mwaniki – IEAC Student Rep

Jubin Raju – Gippsland Area Rep

Steven Mwolo - Academic Board (IISS) - Ex-Officio
Sydney Nhema - Academic Board (IISS) - Ex-Officio
Fanshu Qin - Learning and Teaching Quality Committee - Ex-Officio

Our meetings

Are you a staff member with a proposal you'd like student feedback on? If you forward us a summary by the deadlines below, you can be invited to attend our meeting and get our feedback. Our meetings are video-conferenced across all campuses and online.

Submission deadlineMeeting
5pm, 20 February 20246pm, Tuesday 5 March 2024
5pm, 30 April 20246pm, Tuesday 14 May 2024
5pm, 28 May 20246pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024
5pm, 25 June 20246pm, Tuesday 9 July 2024
5pm, 30 July 20246pm, Tuesday 13 August 2024
5pm, 27 August 20246pm, Tuesday 17 September 2024
5pm, 1 October 20246pm, Tuesday 22 October 2024
5pm,  5 November 20246pm, Tuesday 19 November 2024

Got questions? We're here to answer

Should you have any questions about the Student Senate, contact the Senate Executive Officer, Thomas Burningham-Glover.
T: (03) 5327 6978