Fee Sponsorship

Fee sponsorship is when an employer or other organisation agrees to pay some or all of the costs of your enrolment. As a currently enrolled student, your fees can be sponsored by your employer or by a third party organisation.

Sponsorship Agreement

The student and their sponsor must submit a completed Fee Sponsor Agreement Form (PDF, 1527.22 KB).

Sponsorship agreements must be submitted as follows:

  • by Semester census date for Higher Education students
  • by Unit census date for VET/TAFE Diploma and Advanced Diploma students
  • within the current enrolment year for VET/TAFE Certificate & VCAL students

Signing the agreement indicates entry into a third party contract between the sponsor, student and Federation University. Handwritten forms will not be accepted for processing.

If the University is satisfied with the fee sponsorship agreement, the approved sponsor will be invoiced for the tuition and other costs as detailed in the agreement.

Financial Guarantees

International students who are fully or partially supported by a third party sponsor must provide the University with an acceptable signed Financial Guarantee letter from your sponsor. This letter must be on your sponsor's official letterhead, signed by an authorised person from your sponsor organisation and include the following information:

  • sponsoring organisation's name and contact details;
  • your name and student number;
  • university name (i.e. Federation University Australia);
  • your course name;
  • details of the sponsorship (including commencing & end date of the sponsorship, tuition fees & overseas student health cover single/family);
  • invoicing contact detail (including name, position title, email, phone & mailing address)

If the University is satisfied with the Financial Guarantee letter, the approved sponsor will be invoiced for the tuition and other costs as detailed in the financial guarantee.

If your financial guarantee does not cover the whole period of your course then you will be responsible for payment of your fees after your sponsorship has expired.

Sponsor Invoices

An invoice listing the fees owing for each sponsored student will be issued to the sponsor once the agreement has been processed. The invoice payment terms will be 30 days.


Sponsors must make full payment of the fees by the specified due date on each invoice.

If your sponsor fails to make payment of any invoices relating to your sponsorship, the sponsorship agreement will be cancelled and you will be liable for all outstanding fees.