Talk to us

We can help you raise an issue, find the right service, or propose a change at the University.

You can contact us via email or our Facebook page. You can contact the Senate's Executive Officer by phone on (03) 5327 6978. Or you can contact a specific representative from the list below.

You can lodge a complaint or raise an issue anonymously, but we strongly recommend you provide some contact information so we can ask for more information if needed and keep you updated about outcomes and responses from the University.

We take your privacy seriously! Your Student Representatives may raise your issue or complaint on your behalf with staff at the University, but they will never identify you or provide any identifying information about you without your explicit permission.

We have representatives on every campus who can meet with you.

Our contact details
Mt HelenStudent Senate Office, Building U, 1st floor (next to Student Lounge)
GippslandStudent Senate Office, Building 1E 109.
FacebookChat to us through our page:

Senate leadership

Students elected by your Senate representatives to lead them.

ChairTamim Hasan
Vice-ChairJase Squires

Your representatives

Distance Education/Off Campus Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all distance education and off campus students.
Jase SquiresOnline
First Nations Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all First Nations students.
Samuel CraneGippsland
IHW Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Institute of Health and Wellbeing students.
Alatun Noor MoonBerwick
IHW Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Institute of Health and Wellbeing students.
Gurjeet SinghMt Helen
Postgrad Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Postgraduate students.
Ashutosh Parajuli Mt Helen
Berwick Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Berwick students.
Kevin AlexanderBerwick
Ballarat and Surrounds Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Ballarat students.
Tamim HasanMt Helen
Ballarat and Surrounds Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Ballarat students.
Liam Crocker Mt Helen
IISS Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability students.
Prapti BistaBerwick
IISS Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability students.
Zachary TanMt Helen
International Student Representative
Acts on behalf of all International students.
Monzurul HasanMt Helen
Ex-Officio Members  
Learning and Teaching Committee Institute of Health and WellbeingJubin RajuGippsland
IISS BoardSydney NhemaMt Helen
IISS BoardSteven MwoloOnline

Senate Executive Officer

The Executive Officer gives administrative and organisational support around the day-to-day running of the Student Senate.

Thomas Burningham-Glover
Ph: (03) 5327 6978