2017 Partner Forum

Enhancing Success

11 - 12 December 2017

Federation University Australia, Mt Helen Campus

Two days packed full of networking and professional development opportunities dedicated to optimising the success of partner programs.

The 2017 Partner Forum theme is “Enhancing Success” with four sub-categories:

  • Academic
  • Quality
  • Student support; and
  • Administration and operations

The FedUni Partner Forum, whilst being a professional development opportunity for the FedUni and partner staff, is also a great opportunity to network and create a collegiate environment between FedUni and partners. It is also a chance to share ideas to enhance student success and the scholarship of teaching and learning. View presentations on best practice, research outcomes, and initiatives / accomplishments that have been implemented for things such as student retention, study skills and student support, quality, administration and operations, and anything else that may be of interest to the FedUni / Partner community. It is also an opportunity to workshop discipline-specific opportunities or issues.

The first Partner Forums were hosted by the Federation Business School in 2011, 2012 and 2013. In 2016 the Partner Forum was renewed but this time managed by the Centre for University Partnerships with representation across the faculties and had 96 registrations with attendees coming from a range of partners, FedUni departments, Council members; and FedUni and Partner executives.

The forum will contain presentations in the following topic areas:

  • Student retention and success
  • Student engagement – what to do to make them engaged
  • Quality in education
  • Student support
  • Academic intervention

Keynote speakers

Professor Helen Bartlett

Vice-Chancellor and President
Federation University Australia

Federation University Australia welcomed Professor Helen Bartlett to the role of Vice-Chancellor on 1st May 2017. She is the first female Vice-Chancellor of the University.

Professor Bartlett has worked in higher education for more than 30 years, holding senior leadership roles at all organisational levels in universities in the UK, Hong Kong and Australia. Previously, Professor Bartlett was Pro Vice-Chancellor, President and Chief Executive of Monash University Malaysia. Prior to this, she was Pro Vice-Chancellor and President of Monash’s Gippsland Campus.

A major focus of her previous appointments at Curtin University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Oxford Brookes University was research capacity building in health care and health sciences. She has also established and directed three research centres: the Australasian Centre on Ageing at the University of Queensland, the Oxford Centre for Health Care Research and Development, as well as the Oxford Dementia Centre at Oxford Brookes University.

Professor Bartlett holds a Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Science (Public Policy) and a PhD. She has an international research record in gerontology, with a focus on population ageing, healthy ageing, aged and community care.

Professor Bartlett has been awarded numerous ARC and NHMRC project and program grants and state and federal government consultancies. She has published widely - including several books - and has supervised over 35 higher research degree students. Professor Bartlett also has established and led many university initiatives related to student participation, university-community engagement and transnational education.

Dr Paul J H Hemming

Federation University Australia

FedUni Chancellor Dr Paul Hemming graduated in Medicine in 1969 and was a principal in General Practice for over 40 years.
He served as President of AMA Victoria, President of the RACGP and was a founding Director of “beyondblue”.

In 2007 he joined the Council of the University of Ballarat, and in 2012 became the fifth Chancellor of the University. During his term as Chancellor, the University has expanded to be Australia’s largest regionally based, dual sector university, re-branding itself as Federation University Australia in 2014.

Amit Sarwal

Federation University Australia Alumni
Student Success Stories

Amit Sarwal is a broadcaster, writer and researcher based in Melbourne. He is also the Founding Convenor of Australia-India Interdisciplinary Research Network, an Affiliate Member at the Contemporary Histories Research Group (Deakin University) and a Producer at SBS Radio Hindi.

He holds a PhD in English Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University and MBA from Federation University Australia. For academic excellence, he was a finalist in the Victorian Government’s International Education Awards 2016.

He has been featured as an expert in The Conversation, ABC Radio National, Sky News, SBS TV, Times of India, The Saturday Paper and other community media. As an academic, he has published in high-ranking international journals and is the author of Short Narratives of South Asian Diaspora and Labels and Locations.

Dr Michael Tomlinson FGIA, FCIS

Director – Assessment Group
Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA)

Michael Tomlinson is Director of the Assurance Group at TEQSA (the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency).

He leads case teams to organise and conduct assessments of over 120 providers of higher education (including all of Australia’s universities) against Australia’s Higher Education Threshold Standards. He is also leading the implementation of the Higher Education Standards Framework (2015) for TEQSA and TEQSA’s role in implementing the recommendations of the Admissions Transparency Report.

Before coming to TEQSA, Michael was an Audit Director at the former Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), and for twenty years worked in Australian universities, for the last fifteen of these in senior positions at Swinburne University of Technology.

Michael is a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and of the International Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. He has been an expert panel member for a number of provider reviews for the national accreditation agency in Timor Leste.

Forum program

Day one: Monday 11 December

Program DetailsPresenters
Keynote Speaker: Introduction to Federation University AustraliaProfessor Helen Bartlett,
Vice-Chancellor and President,
Federation University Australia
Keynote Speaker: New Higher Education Standards: Implications for Partner Providers

Michael Tomlinson
Director-Assessment Group TEQSA
View presentation (pdf, 0.1mb)

Session A: Teaching Creatively in a Partner Provider Environment

Sally-Anne Leigh, Academies Australasia Polytechnic

Session B: Partner Libraries Support NetworkClare Duffy, FedUni Library
View presentation (pdf, 1.9 mb)
Session C: The challenge of language in AccountingMarc Dawes, IIBIT Adelaide and Uni SA
View presentation (pdf, 1.5mb)
Session D: How to conduct Academic InterventionAmy Barnhouse, Federation Business School; Vanessa Brady, Centre for University Partnerships and Drew Burns, Disability Liaison Unit
Session E: Student Engagement: the Significance and SourcesDr Sunaina Gowan (IIBIT Sydney)
View presentation (pdf, 0.3mb)
Session F: Respect Now AlwaysJerry van Delft, Student Connect
Respect Now Always
Session G: Plagiarism prevention strategies, tools, & techniquesAdam Barbary, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 0.9mb)
Session H: Quizzes 101Kim Pappaluca and Jim Carolan, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 0.5mb)
Session I: Effective use of video in learning and teachingBrian Martin, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 1.1mb)
Session J: Preparing new students with Academic and English LiteraciesJulie Sharp, Federation College
View presentation (pdf, 0.3mb)
Keynote Speaker: Student Success StoriesAmit Sarwal, FedUni Alumnus
View presentation (pdf, 1.4mb)

Day two: Tuesday 12 December

Program DetailsPresenters
Keynote Panel: Partnership QnA Panel Facilitator: Jessie Harman, Centre for University Partnerships
Panellists: Kishore Vallam, IIBIT; Graham Bowrey, ATMC; Alan Labas, Federation Business School; Sue Brown, Faculty of Health
Session K: Work Integrated LearningFacilitator: Vanessa Brady, Centre for University Partnerships
Panellists: D

Panellists: Deb Cutts, Careers and Employment Service; Deb Lord, Federation Business School, and Brooke Adams, Student Systems and Processes
View Work Integrated Learning web page
View Federation Business School WIL course options (pdf, 4.04mb)
Session L: Enhancing academic qualityDr Graham Bowrey, ATMC Sydney
View presentation (pdf, 0.2mb)
View Peer Observation document (pdf, 0.03mb)
Session M: The lowdown on BOLDKim Pappaluca and Sara Warren, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 0.8mb)
Session N: Student support and retention strategies for Western SydneyKay Lampard and Valerie Snedin, TAFE NSW - Western Sydney
View presentation (pdf, 1.6mb)
Session O: eVALUate: what to our partner students say?Barbie Panther, Faculty of Science and Technology
View presentation (pdf, 0.6mb)
Session P: What is SPARK?Amy Barnhouse, Federation Business School
View presentation (pdf, 6.9mb)
Session Q: Student Support: the key to academic success for students who 'never thought they would ever get a university degree'Biljana Stanojcic, TAFE NSW - St George campus
View presentation (pdf, 1.6mb)
Session R: Teaching International Students and their learning stylesSally-Anne Leigh, Academies Australasia Polytechnic
View presentation (pdf, 1mb)
Session S: Teaching strategies to keep students on trackTulsa Andrews and Natasha Tonkin, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 0.8mb)
Session T: English Language Support Program (ELSP)Melania Pantelich, Federation College
View presentation (pdf, 1mb)
Session U: Discussion forums - How to monitor engagement and learning in these spacesKate Roberts and Yvonne Button, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 0.5mb)
Session V: FedUni Alumni - Staying connectedPam Sutcliffe, Alumni and FedUni Foundation
View presentation (pdf, 3.2mb)