Check your eligibility

Checking your eligibility is the first step in the process of applying for a world-class research degree with Federation University Australia.

You must meet the high academic and English language proficiency requirements to apply successfully for entry to one of these degrees.

Building your honours equivalence case

Applicants who are applying for entry without honours or Masters by Research qualifications will be required to provide supplementary information to support their application. This is referred to as Honours equivalence. To build a case for honours equivalence, the applicant will need to demonstrate
that they have previously undertaken research and generated outputs at an honours level standard in terms of both quantity and quality. This will require the applicant to have:

  • undertaken research or research-related activity for approximately 6 to 9 months full-time or part-time equivalent as evidenced by exhibitions of creative work or peer reviewed publications or reports; or
  • undertaken research as part of a AQF level eight or above coursework degree.

The research produced must be at an level equivalent to a first or second class honours (upper division) with publications or a minor thesis of at least 12,000 words and other supporting activity.

A case for honours equivalence based on Masters by Coursework

If the research has been undertaken during a Masters by Coursework then the following guidelines can be used to determine whether the quantity of research is sufficient to meet entry requirements; in the following examples, a semester is considered to be six months of full-time study. The percentage values below relate to the proportion of research-related work carried out during the degree and do not relate to the grades received.

  Research project Research-related coursework (e.g. research methods study)
Equiv 1 75% of credit points for at least 1 semester of full-time study 25% of credit points for at least o1 semester of full-time study
Equiv 2 50% of credit points for at least 1 semester of full-time study 50% of credit points for at least o1 semester of full-time study
Equiv 3 25% of credit points for at least 1 semester of full-time study 75% of credit points for at least o1 semester of full-time study

The applicant should provide information on all postgraduate study undertaken, together with transcripts, including detail on the weight (credit points) of any research or research-related components of the course(s). Where an overseas qualification is listed, an assessment of the comparability of the qualification with Australian qualifications by an independent source, for example Australian Education International (through the National Office of Overseas Skills recognition) should be included, where possible.

Applicants can support their case by the submission of evidence of awards or prizes based on research outcomes, and evidence of involvement in the production of refereed publications or other appropriate outputs. The latter should include copies of papers, an assessment of the applicant's contribution to the paper(s), and detail of the type of publication and any evidence of independent assessment.

A case for honours equivalence based on professional research experience

If you research has been undertaken in the course of employment, or other research related activity, the following evidence can be used to make the case that the quantity and quality of research is sufficient to meet entry requirements;

  • Type and length of employment in a research related position
  • Duties and activities undertaken in the course of employment
  • Evidence of peer reviewed publications or reports produced in relation to your employment or activity
  • Evidence of exhibitions or publications of creative work with peer review
  • Evidence of awards or prizes received

Applicants can support their case by the submission of evidence of awards or prizes based on research outcomes, and evidence of involvement in the production of refereed publications or other appropriate outputs. The latter should include copies of papers, an assessment of the applicant's contribution to the paper(s), and detail of the type of publication and any evidence of independent assessment.

There are a number of ways to meet the eligibility requirements for entry into a PhD program at Federation University:

  • Successful completion of an undergraduate degree and subsequent additional honours degree* which is graded at first class or second class (upper division) and which includes a thesis or dissertation demonstrating the ability to undertake research at a PhD level; OR
  • Successful completion of a Masters by Research degree that included a dissertation, demonstrating the ability to undertake research at PhD level; OR
  • Current Federation University Australia Masters by Research candidate with sufficient research capability to demonstrate PhD capacity, assessed via a formal Confirmation of Candidature process; OR
  • Honours equivalence, for applicants who have completed a Master by coursework or have appropriate professional experience.

*Equivalent to an Australian Honours degree at AQF 8 with a substantial research component including a thesis of at least 12000 words, as an addition to an undergraduate degree at AQF 7.

  • Successful completion of an undergraduate degree and subsequent additional honours degree which is graded as at least second class and which includes a dissertation demonstrating the ability to undertake research at a Masters level; OR
  • Honours equivalence, such as a combination of professional, qualifications and research experience, including Masters by coursework

Federation University accepts a variety of English language tests as proof of English proficiency. English proficiency assessment should be made using an external English test (Academic IELTS or equivalent), with the results determining whether the student can enter into our programs directly or via an appropriate English program.

From 1 July 2016, direct entry without an external English test will be only permitted when student meets the English exemption requirements described on the Federation English language requirements page as per the Simplified Student Visa Framework’s English requirements.

Applicants from non-English speaking countries must demonstrate English language proficiency (ELP) by achieving at least the minimum score in one of the following formal test of English language proficiency within the last two years:

  • IELTS (International Language Testing System) minimum score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0;
  • TOEFL (American test of English as a Foreign Language) minimum score of 580 plus a TWE (Test of Written English) a score of 5.0;
  • TOEFL computer-based minimum score of 237 plus a minimum score of 22 in writing;
  • TOEFL internet-based minimum score of 92-93 plus a minimum score of 22 in writing; OR
  • Under exceptional circumstances, applying for an exemption from being required to provide an IELTS or TOEFL score based on an exemption request with supporting evidence

IETLS or TOEFL tests are the preferred measure for English Language Proficiency (ELP) and applicants who can demonstrate ELP exemption are still expected to provide IELTS or TOEFL where possible. A request for exemption from the ELP requirements will only be considered under the following circumstances:

  • students who have completed at least five years’ study in one or more of the following countries: Australia, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, or the Republic of Ireland.
  • citizens and passport holders of one of the following English‑speaking countries: UK, USA, Canada, NZ or Republic of Ireland.

To apply for an exemption from the ELP requirements, the applicant will need to apply for an exemption in writing and provide evidence of their previous study or citizenship in the English-speaking countries listed above.


Applicants from the following countries should be aware that United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and/or Australian autonomous sanctions may apply to any research you may undertake in Australia.

  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • DPRK (North Korea)
  • Zimbabwe
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Somalia
  • Myanmar
  • Libya
  • Liberia
  • Lebanon
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Guinea – Bissan
  • Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
  • Fiji, and
  • Eritrea

It is important that you discuss sanctions that may be applicable to your proposed research with us. There may be a delay in your capacity to commence a research degree at Federation University Australia where approval for your research project needs to be sought.

Information about the UNSC and Australian sanctions is available at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.

The University, in line with the Australian Research Student Visa requirements, has a duty of care to ensure that full fee-paying higher degree by research students have adequate funding available to support their study in Australia. During the pre-visa screening process, applicants will be asked for documentary evidence of their financial capacity to support their tuition fees, living expenses and overseas student health cover e.g. bank statement/s or sponsorship letter.

Note: Applicants awarded a Stipend Living Allowance Scholarship from an external source who want to apply for a Federation University Tuition Fee Scholarship should consult their supervisory team.

Tuition fees – International Student Tuition Fees for PhD and Master by Research programs range from $24,780 AUD to $30,240 AUD per annum (2024 rate), depending upon the program. Note: You will be required to pay for the first semester’s tuition fees plus your Overseas Student Health Cover before a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) will be issued.

Living expenses – The DIBP requires International students to show evidence of their financial capacity to support their living expenses. The following amounts are considered adequate:

  • For students or guardians - AUD$24,505
  • For partners coming with you - AUD$8,574
  • For a child coming with you - AUD$3,670

Source: Department of Home Affairs

Overseas student health cover – All student visa holders must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OHSC) which provides medical and hospital insurance in Australia. You must not arrive in Australia before your health insurance starts.

International students are required to have OHSC for two months before they commence their Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidature and for nine months after their proposed HDR candidature end date. This is to allow students time to arrive in Australia and settle into their accommodation etc before their candidature commences and afterwards for a possible six months’ extension and examination of your thesis (three months).

  • For PhD candidature 47 months’ OHSC will be required - $3,356 AUD (Single), $13,424 AUD (Couple) or $28,099 AUD (Family). This is based on the BUPA 2024 rates.
  • For Master by Research candidature 29 months’ OHSC will be required - $1,908 AUD (Single), $7,685 AUD (Couple) or $16,215 AUD (Family). This is based on the BUPA 2024 rates.

There is no need for applicants to find suitable supervision prior to submission of their application for admission. This is done after the application has been assessed as eligible for admission. However, applicants must provide a research proposal of 250 words or more in order for FedUni to identify a suitable supervision for the proposed research topic.