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Research with real-world impact

Explore a topic that interests you in depth, create new knowledge and become an expert in your field with a research higher degree (PhD or Masters) at Federation University.

Undertake an independent research project and develop critical thinking skills, enabling you to take the lead in using research to impact new discoveries.

Work with highly qualified and recognised supervisors, connect with industry, government and the community, and contribute to the global research conversation.

Why choose Federation University

Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and permanent residents will be supported with a Research Training Program Fee-offset scholarship (subject to availability) to cover the cost of tuition. All students will be supported with the provision of a laptop and project funding to support the costs of their project (subject to approval).

You can find out more about our research priority areas and research centres on the Federation University Research site.

To find out if we specialise in your area of interest, browse the websites of our Research Centres.

Apply for a research degree

Please check your eligibility before completing an application form.

Have a question? Contact our team of experts for an answer to your question, so that you can be informed to make the right choice.

Please note: English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements have changed. Requests for English language test exemptions will no longer be routinely granted.

Grad Cert Research
Check your eligibility How to apply