CERC PhD Candidates

If you would like to know more about becoming a member of the Collaborative Evaluation and Research Centre, Federation University staff can email CERC@federation.edu.au

CandidatePrincipal SupervisorTopic
Haris AhmadA/Prof Blake PeckThe Immunogenic and Cognitive Impact of the Use of Probiotic Among Children in Australian Childcare Centres: A Double-Blind Randomised Controlled Trial.
Jessy BennyProf Joanne PorterExploring the experiences of international nursing students during mental health clinical placements in Australia: a mixed methods study.
Jamie Borg - MRes
(Completed Feb 2025)
Prof Carolyn UnsworthWheeled mobility device stability on public buses using a semi-active containment system.
Natalie BransgroveProf Joanne PorterUsing intersectionality to explore age (65+)  and rurality within Hospital in the Home admissions: A mixed methods study.
Trudy BrownProf Michael OlasojiImproving the sexual and reproductive health of those with serious mental illness.
Nicole Coombs
(Completed April 2024)
Prof Joanne PorterEmergency nurse practice and attitudes towards public health messaging during disaster in Australia.
Amy CowanProf Joanne PorterThe essential elements of effective nursing leadership for developing positive cultures.
Pritimoy Das
(Completed March 2025)
Prof Aziz RahmanCommon mental health issues experienced by migrants in Australia: a mixed method study.
Bonnie Nas DevesProf Carolyn UnsworthImproving inclusion on the Bus: The Better Transport Insensitivity for All Passengers (Better Trip) project.
Kerry de VentProf Joanne PorterUse of an administrative database to evaluate health services performance in delivering  home-based health care for older Victorians.
Natalie Dickson - M Health(Rsch)
(Completed Dec 2023)
Prof Carolyn UnsworthAssessment of Powered Mobility Device use among Older Australian in Residential Aged Care Facilities.
Steven FouldsDr Dom McNeilElite athlete perceptions of effective strength and conditioning coach-athlete relationships.
Anita GiannisProf Joanne PorterIdentify the experiences of female paramedics returning to work on a flexible working arrangements (FWA) post maternity leave.
Marufa HasinProf Aziz RahmanInvestigating gestational diabetes mellitus among migrant women in Australia.
Megan HekkemaDr Meghan CaseyDevelopment of a Sport Management Competency Assessment Tool.
Susan HuaProfessor Michael OlasojiIntegration of the dynamic appraisal of situational aggression (DASA) and the aggression prevention protocol (APP) into Emergency Department.
Luis HualdaProf Joanne PorterInvestigation into agency as a food security dimension and its implications to public health outcomes in the Latrobe Valley.
Ting Ting HuiProf Michael OlasojiImproving the physical health of young people with early psychosis: a feasibility study of a co-designed lifestyle intervention in Australia.
Sahaya JestoProf Michael OlasojiDeveloping and co-designing a novel education intervention to enhance nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and perceived experiences in managing behavioural  and psychological  symptoms of dementia in aged mental health and aged care settings: A mixed methods study.
Shariq Ali KhanProf Aziz RahmanOral health among the children attending Islamic boarding Schools in Pakistan.
Paul KemelProf Joanne PorterYouth activity and participation within bushfire impacted communities in rural and remote areas in Victoria.
Samira KerbageA/Prof Loretta GarveyPain management of the sedated and ventilated patients in the intensive care setting: An exploratory study.
Kerrie LaidlawA/Prof Karen MissenExploring the process of maternal displacement when an infant is  hospitialised in the urban NICU setting.
Shingai MareyaProf Michael OlasojiThe effectiveness of the Stepped Care Model in delivery of mental health services in Australian primary health care.
Elizabeth Miller
(Completed Nov 2023)
Prof Joanne PorterInvestigating environmental factors within the acute hospital setting - the natural, built, social (behaviour and language), and symbolic environments where people may receive bad news about their life-limiting illness.
James NaismithDr Kerry HoodInvestigating the efficacy of replacing undergraduate nursing clinical placement hours in Australia with simulation hours.
Naima NimmiProf Aziz RahmanInvestigating gestational diabetes amongst migrant women in Australia.
Danielle NobleProf Karen MissenRegistered Nurses perceptions of new graduates nurses being workplace ready.
Lucy OsbornA/Prof Loretta GarveyExploring Clinical Competence Assessment in Nursing in Australia. 
Marianne OtaProf Danny HillsThe experiences of nurse leaders in promoting and maintaining civility in Australian rural health and aged care settings: A Qualitative Study.
Parul ParulProf Aziz RahmanInvestigating substance use disorders and psychological intervention.
Rebecca PeelA/Prof Karen MissenA mixed methods exploration of women’s experience in the emergency department.
Victoria PetriniProf Michael OlasojiAn investigation into the issue of staff recruitment and staff retention in Mental Health Wards across Scotland, UK and Victoria, Australia.
Masudus SalehinProf Aziz RahmanSmoking behaviour of general practitioners in Australia.
Hayley Scott
(Completed Nov 2024)
Prof Carolyn UnsworthDeveloping and testing a driving clinical decision pathway to assist non-driver trained occupational therapists to guide return to driving practices for adults following a change in health status.
Lee Scullion  Dr Meghan Casey An Exploration of the Relationship Between Game Skills, Fitness Components, and Injury Prevention in Women’s Amateur Australian Football
Bekithemba SibandaProf Michael OlasojiThe Role of Spirituality, Religion and culture on the Mental Health of African Australians: A Phenomenological Study.
Megan Simic
(Completed Oct 2024)
Prof Joanne PorterExploring the lived experience of emergency department nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Lyn SudholzDr Meghan CaseyExperiences and understandings of sport related concussion, of women who participate in sport and recreation in Victoria, Australia.
Darren ThomasDr Meghan CaseyExploring the Development, Implementation and Effectiveness of Secondary School Sports Academies.
Christine TrotmanProf Joanne PorterSafe at work:  The prevention and minimisation of workplace aggression at rural and regional hospitals.
Jacqueline WheatcroftProf Carolyn UnsworthUnderstanding and enhancing clinical reasoning to support best practice in cognitive rehabilitation; a study of novice and expert occupational therapists.