3D content security
Project Title:
3D content security
Alireza Jolfaei, Joarder Kamruzzaman, Manzur Murshed
Contact person and email address:
Alireza Jolfaei a.jolfaei@federation.edu.au
A brief description of the project:
Over the past decade, there has been a huge rise in usage and distribution of 3D content in various industries. It is anticipated that the market for 3D content will reach $4.4 billion by 2020 at a compound annual growth rate of 6.4% from 2014 to 2020. The growing applicability and revenue of 3D content suggest the necessity for protecting such assets. However, 3D assets are often not well protected because current protection methods impose too many computation overheads for data storage and transmission, which delay smooth real-time rendering. Moreover, users need to do some pre-processing to gain access to protected content. In addition to the computation overheads and accessibility problems, there is also another problem, that is, the 3D content semantic problem: maintaining the dimensional and spatial stability. In many 3D applications, it is necessary to maintain the location and size of the encrypted content within a defined bounding volume. If this consideration is not taken into account, the rendering result of the encrypted 3D content would, in general, overlap with other public 3D content, and this would therefore corrupt the whole virtual scene. With regard to these security issues, it is reasonable to envisage a protection framework for 3D content and thus to review whether existing technologies are applicable in a direct manner.