How to apply

New Colombo Plan Projects

A number of undergraduate study tours have been awarded NCP funding from the Australian Government. All enquiries in relation to study tours should be directed to the relevant school in the first instance. Students will be required to complete an Expression Of Interest (EOI) (pdf,157kb) and submit this to the relevant School NCP project coordinator.

Please refer to the where can I go? NCP short term projects for a list of locations that you may be eligible to participate in or contact your Program Coordinator.

Federation Business School (FBS) students can also refer to the Faculty's New Colombo Plan website for information on projects that may be available to you.

Outgoing Exchange students

Basic Eligibility:

Students are required to:

  • Have completed at least one year of full-time academic study at Federation University (or equivalent)
  • Have at least one course left upon your return to Federation University
  • Be in good academic standing - GPA at least 4.0

While you are overseas, you need to enrol into a full-time study mode.


The first step is to decide where you want to go! See where can I go?

Once you have an idea of where you might like to study, you can search on that University’s website to try to find the course specifications/outlines.

You need to see if the University you have chosen teaches similar courses to what you would have studied at Federation University.  If you have any electives in your degree, it is a good idea to use this while you are on the exchange program as they are the easiest to get approved by your faculty / school.

Most universities have an ‘exchange’ section on their website, or they will have information on their programs/courses on offer.  In order to get the Faculty to sign off on your enrolment plan you need to provide them with course outlines from the other university, so they can approve the credits.

Next, have a chat with your Program Coordinator to discuss whether exchange is an option within your program.

It is recommended (but not essential) that you plan to participate in the Study Abroad or Exchange program during your second year of study at Federation University so that you still have a range of courses to choose from when making your overseas study plan. You will need to seek credit for the courses that you study overseas when you come back to Federation University so it’s important to choose electives or courses similar in content to those in your Federation University degree.

Once you've got all your information together, complete the Application for Overseas Exchange Program (Outgoing) (pdf, 1231kb) Applications can be emailed or submitted in person to:

Iain Johnson
Study Abroad and Student Mobility Coordinator
Building A | Mt Helen Campus

A step-by-step guide is provided here:
1. Research prospective universitiesWhat country, Accommodation options, location, meal plan, surrounding neighbourhood.
2. Research for the visa application processOfficial government website, visa fees, documents required, vaccinations and Immunisations, timeframe.
3. Research for the expenses requiredFlight Ticket, visa fees, travel and medical insurance, accommodation.
4. Research coursesLook for programs and courses that would possibly match up with Federation University courses.
5. Contact your program coordinatorTo arrange the enrolment plan, seek advice from the program coordinator for the possibility to study electives for the study abroad semester.
6. Collect course syllabus/course specification

Look for this on the host university’s website. If such information is not available, email the Study Abroad Coordinator with the following details so the Study Abroad Coordinator can request for the syllabus from the host university:

  1. Name of the university
  2. Course code, course name
  3. Course Outline

Please Note: All students should be enrolled in a full time load (4 courses) while studying overseas. Please nominate at least 8 potential courses before sending it off for school’s approval.

7. While waiting for the syllabus, try to obtain all necessary supporting documents:

  1. Statement of Purpose: a 300 to 500-word statement explaining why you want to participate in the FedUni Exchange Program.
    1. Explain why you chose your preferred exchange institution, what you hope to achieve and any challenges you may face.
    2. Explain how your exchange experience will impact your academic, personal and career goals.
  2. academic references: This could be your formal lecturers and tutors. Please note that this also applies to external students. The lecturers and tutors could provide the references based on your performance in the course. Academic referees can choose to complete the FedUni Study Abroad Application form – (pages 6 & 7) or provide a separate reference letter on FedUni letterhead.
  3. Copy of Passport
  4. Complete the remaining sections of the application form
  5. Official transcript*.

*Please note the Student Mobility Officer may be able to assist you with providing an unofficial transcript and using this do submit your application

8. Follow up with your program coordinator to obtain school’s approval on the chosen courses.

Send the course syllabi and application form so the program coordinator can sign off on the form. Alternatively, the program coordinator can provide the approval in a letter or in an email. Please advise the program coordinator that the following information must be included in the letter/email:

  1. Name of the host university
  2. Nominated courses at host university (with course code)
  3. Fed Uni courses that is equivalent to the nominated overseas courses
  4. Number of credits that will be counted towards FedUni courses.
9. Complete the Study Abroad application and send it to the Study Abroad Coordinator for reviewPlease note the Study Abroad Coordinator may provide the Host University’s application form or refer you to that Universities online admissions system for completion.
10. Submit your complete application prior to the deadline

Semester 1 intake: August 31 the year before

Semester 2 intake: 31 March of the same year

Outgoing Study Abroad students

Federation University students who wish to study at an institution not covered by our exchange agreements are able to do so.

The first step is to speak to your Program Coordinator about whether Study Abroad will be possible within your program structure.

The next step is to contact the Student Mobility Office at and discuss where you would like to go. The Study Abroad team can assist you with preparing your documentation and applying to the overseas institution

Please note in a Study Abroad situation:

  • Students will need to take leave from studies from Federation University.
  • Students will be required to pay the tuition fees directly to the overseas institution.
  • Students will be required to apply for credit at Federation University upon their return.