Going overseas

As a student at Federation University, you have the unique opportunity to engage in an exchange program for up to two semesters at one of our international partner institutions. You may also join a study tour or enrol in a brief course during the summer or winter vacations.

This experience will enhance your leadership qualities, cultural sensitivity, and self-assurance, while you forge new friendships and earn credits that count towards your degree. This ensures you can graduate on time, enriched with global experience.

For many, this period represents a rare chance to live abroad for an extended duration. In the future, as you embark on your professional journey, the possibility of studying overseas might become a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

Seize this moment to explore the globe, with the sole responsibility of studying and immersing yourself in diverse cultures.

The adventure of studying abroad offers an unparalleled experience.


We have exchange agreements with a number of overseas universities. These agreements allow students to study at the exchange institution for one or two semesters.

Study Abroad

Students wanting to study at institutions not covered under our exchange agreements are able to do so as study abroad students. As a study abroad student you would enrol with and pay tuition fees directly to the overseas university.

Short Term Study tours

A short program provides the ideal opportunity to experience a taste of overseas study at one of Federation University’s partner universities around the world without committing to a full semester abroad. Programs run for between two and four weeks, with most being offered during the semester breaks.

You could study Art, culture and literature in South Korea or business in Lithuania, or environmental conservation in France for example. Please contact the Student Mobility Office for an update of current offers.

New Colombo Plan (NCP) Study Tours

New Colombo Plan (NCP) Study tours are intensive programs led by Federation University academics and allow you to combine international study and cultural immersion while gaining credit or placement hours towards your degree. NCP Tours are supported with Australian Government funding to make this an easily affordable option.

Study tours usually run for two to three weeks with most being offered during the semester breaks and are organised by the various school’s while being coordinated by the Mobility Office.

Examples include:

  • A wildlife conservation tour to Chitwan in Nepal looking at the conservation and protection of wild baby rhinos
  • A nursing clinical placement at Scheer Memorial Hospital, nestled in the vibrant community of Banepa, central Nepal
  • Engage directly in health promotion in developing nations, immerse in cultural and public health workshops with Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Partner with the Solomon Islands National Institute of Sport in a transformative two-week immersion, expanding sports science expertise through real-world application alongside elite athletes in preparation for the 2023 Pacific Games.

Overseas placement opportunities

Students may be able to do some or all of their placement overseas. Please contact your Institute to see whether such opportunities exist for you.

For detailed information, please contact the Student Mobility Office at studyabroad@federation.edu.au: