2023 Partner Conference

Re-imagining the student experience 2023 and beyond

Thursday 2 & Friday 3 February 2023

Federation University Australia

SMB Campus, Ballarat

Event overview

The 2023 Federation Partner Conference, whilst being a professional development opportunity for Federation University and partner staff, is a great opportunity to network and create a collegiate environment between Federation and partners.

Conference Program

2023 Partner Conference Program

Acknowledgement of Country

We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which this event is taking place, the Wadawurrung people and pay my respect to Elders, past and present.


Wednesday 1st February 2023

OPTIONAL Pre-Conference Training
2:00pm - 4:00pmBuilding A, Room A101 (Map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Session 1 – Optional Partner Training Session - Campus Solutions

Brooke Adams, ITS Training Officer, ITS Training

Vanessa Brady, Manager, Global Professional Services, Global Professional School


Session 2 - Optional Partner Training Session - fdlGrades

Brooke Adams, ITS Training Officer, ITS Training

Vanessa Brady, Manager, Global Professional Services, Global Professional School

Thursday 2nd February 2023

8:00am - 9:00am
Registration: Building T, Reception/Lobby area (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
9:00am - 11:00amBuilding T, Seminar Theatre (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Acknowledgement of Country and housekeeping

Associate Professor Jason Giri, Dean, Global Professional School

Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation elder


Opening Address:Federation University: Enhancing our Global Communities

Professor Duncan Bentley, Vice-Chancellor and President Federation University


Understanding the Co-Op Education Model

Carolyn Chong, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement)

View presentation (pdf, 4.2mb)

What is Co-op? - Northeastern University-Seattle - YouTube


Transforming Lives: The Student perspective of Co-op education

Professor Christina Lee, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

View presentation (pdf, 1.5pdf)

11:00amMorning Tea
11:20am - 12:30pmConcurrent Sessions  - Building A (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
11:20am - 11:50am

Session A: Enhancing Communities: Meeting the needs of Industry

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Dr Omaru Maruatona – CEO, Aiculus

Josh Power, alumni of the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) – Federation University

Sharyn Crawford - Manager Work Integrated Learning, Federation University

MC: Andrew Evans - Director, Academic Services and Support, Federation University

Session B: University Policy Library Rejuvenation & Impact on Partners

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Karen Robinson - Manager, International and Strategic Compliance, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

12:00pm - 12:30pm

Session C: I’m a student! Hear me laugh?

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Emma Derainne – Program Coordinator – Early Childhood Education, and Food and Nutritional Sciences, OES/Federation University Online

View presentation (pdf, 2.8mb)

Session D: Meeting Students’ Academic Skill Development Needs

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Leigh Albon - Manager of Learning and Academic Skills Success, Student Experience and Admin Services (SEAS),  Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 1.4mb)

1:10pm - 3:50pmConcurrent Sessions  - Building A (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
1:10pm - 1:40pm

Session E: Connected and integrated: Recasting student experience, innovation, and learner centricity

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Prof. James Roffee - Head of Campus, Brisbane Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 4.9mb)

Session F: How great are Libraries!?

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Allison Hadfield - Liaison Librarian (Partner Support), Library Services, Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 1.2mb)

1:50pm - 2:20pm

Session G: Industry Facing Experiences/Co-op Model Elements

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Christina Lee - Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 0.9mb)

Session H: Degree Plus & The Employability, Skills and Jobs Hub: Creating a pathway to success, curated for an international cohort

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Kayne Hunnam - Manager, Campus Operations and Partnerships, Federation University, Brisbane

View presentation (pdf, 0.8mb)


Session I: Building inclusion through language

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Christine Muscat - Program Coordinator – Psychology and Postgraduate Health , OES/Federation University Online

View presentation (pdf, 2.3mb)

Session J: Understanding Federation Alumni and the Federation University Australia Foundation

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Pam Sutcliffe - Advancement Manager, Advancement, Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 0.3mb)

3:00pmAfternoon Tea
3:20pm - 3:50pm

Session K: Respondus – AI invigilated Assessment

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Adam Barbary - Manager, Learning and Teaching Technology Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

 Panel Presentation / Keynote Session - Building T, Seminar Theatre (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Student Voice Panel: What does the future of education look like for them?

MC: Dr Alan Labas - Lecturer, Management, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Student Voices:

Aengus Bowers, Learning and Teaching Support Officer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University – Alumni from the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice)

Yishi (Lewis) Liu, Graduand in Honours,Bachelor of Science (Honours), alumni from Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Development) and Advanced Diploma of Computer (delivered in China at Guangdong Shaoguan University)

Vanya Trendafilova, Graduand in Master of Business Administration (International Business), Federation University

5:15pmDelegates who have registered for the SMB Ballarat Old Gaol tour to meet at the old Goal gates as per the map (695 kb)

Ballarat Old Gaol Tour - Optional, RSVP essential

Dr David Waldron,  Lecturer, History, Federation University

6:00pmComplimentary Conference Dinner: Prospects Restaurant, J Building, SMB Campus. RSVP essential (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
Keynote Speaker: Professor Duncan Bentley - Vice-Chancellor and President, Federation University, "Building talent for the new digital economy"

Friday 3rd February 2023

8:00am - 9:00am
Registration: Building A, Reception desk, Room A108 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
9:00am - 11:00amBuilding T, Seminar Theatre (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Welcome and housekeeping

Associate Professor Jason Giri, Dean, Global Professional School

10:10amMorning Tea
10:30am - 12:20pmConcurrent Sessions  - Building A (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
10:30am - 11:00am

Session M: Project Based Learning

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Nadil Sundarapperuma - Assistant Manager, Academic Services, IIBIT 

Dr Naga Dasari, Lecturer, IIBIT

View presentation (pdf, 0.6mb)

Session N: Development of Fed pathways with Ed Tech platforms

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Jason Rogers - Manager, Global Pathways, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 7.5mb)

11:10am - 11:40am

Session O: Gamified, scenario-based learning

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Jaimee Westin - Senior Digital Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University


Session Q: Industry as partners in curriculum – a collaboration in creating co-op learning experiences

Room A211 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Tulsa Andrews - Director (Lecturer), Teaching Quality and Learning, Centre for Academic Development (CAD) Federation University

Kellie Macneil - Learning Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 1.2mb)

Session R: Work Integrated Learning Opportunities for partners

Room A217 (map) (pdf, 695 kb)

Dr Debbie Lord, Discipline Leader in Business, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 0.9mb)

1:20pm - 3:15pmKeynote Session - Building T, Seminar Theatre (map) (pdf, 695 kb)
1:20pm - 2:20pm

Keynote: Study Melbourne Future Founders : Innovating International Student Experience

Tara Power, Partnerships Lead – State Library Victoria/StartSpace

Tran Nguyen, Manager, Student Programs, International Education – Global Victoria

Kennie Kurniawan, Future Founders Program Manager

View presentation (pdf, 5.0mb)

Future Founders video

2:30pm - 3:15pm

Keynote: Managing (panicking?!) current and emerging challenges to Academic Integrity – discussion forum

Dr Cameron Foale, Discipline Leader, Information Technology, Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability (IISS), Federation University

View presentation (pdf, 3.7mb)


Wrap Up with drinks and Award presentation

Assoc. Prof. Jason Giri, Dean, Global Professional School

4:00pmConference conclusion

Please note: This program may be subject to change.