2023 Session Information & Bio's

2023 Partner Conference

Seminar Summaries

Keynote Sessions - Thursday

1. Understanding the co-op Education Model

Presenter: Carolyn Chong, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement), Federation University

How the co-op university model is the mechanism to achieve the strategic vision of the university, the federation model and why we are doing this.

2. Transforming Lives: The Student perspective of co-op education

Presenter: Prof. Christina Lee, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Federation University

What does our research tell us about the student experience and benefits?

Student Voice Panel

What does the future of education look like for them?

Federation students with MC: Dr Alan Labas, Lecturer, Management, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Aengus Bowers, Learning and Teaching Support Officer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University – Alumni from the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) Yishi (Lewis) Liu, Graduand in Honours, Bachelor of Science (Honours), alumni from Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Development) and Advanced Diploma of Computer (delivered in China at Guangdong Shaoguan University)

Ballarat Old Gaol Tour

The secrets of Ballarat's dark criminal past will be uncovered.

Federation University historian David Waldron is behind a series of guided tours of the old Ballarat Gaol, now the site of the SMB Campus. The gaol's colourful history includes the daring escape of a notorious bushranger. Artifacts, blueprints and images, and a virtual reality tour of tunnels and turrets, will be part of the tour. This tour runs for about 45mins and is a perfect filler for those that want to remain on campus before the Conference dinner.

Federation University historian Dr David Waldron is behind a series of guided tours of the old Ballarat Gaol, now the site of the SMB Campus. Only delegates who have preregistered may attend.

Details: Meet at the gates of Building E, SMB campus where the “Tour Starts Here” sign is at 5.20pm.

Note: This tour is at capacity so please refrain from talking whilst our presenter is speaking so that everyone can hear.

Dr David Waldron is a Senior Lecturer in history at Federation University Australia, with a research focus on folklore and community heritage, particularly the development of urban legends and popular folklore as a response to traumatic community experiences. David is the author of Sign of the Witch: Modernity and the Pagan Revival (Carolina Academic Press, 2008), Shock! The Black Dog of Bungay – a Case Study in Local Folklore (Hidden Press, 2010) and Snarls from the Tea-Tree: Victoria’s Big Cat Folklore (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2013). He is also editor/contributor to Goldfields and the Gothic: a Hidden Heritage and Folklore (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2016) and Aradale: the Making of a Haunted Asylum (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2020).

Conference Dinner

A complimentary 2 course meal will be provided to registrants who have opted to participate in the Partner Conference Dinner.

Only delegates who have preregistered may attend.

Details: Thursday 2nd of February, 6pm Prospects Restaurant, SMB Campus

Keynote Speaker: Professor Duncan Bentley, Vice-Chancellor and President, Federation University Australia, “Building talent for the new digital economy”

MC: Associate Professor Jason Giri, Dean, Global Professional School (GPS)

Keynote Sessions - Friday

Keynote Panel Presentation: Improving student experiences through innovative practice

The panel will cover, through a series of questions, trends in the higher education market and how digital and innovation practices can be employed to enhance learning. Come and hear about disruptive trends, designing for the future and how new technology is shaping the student experience.

Panel: Dr Lucy Elliott, Academic Director, OES/Federation University Online Sue Kokonis, Chief Academic Officer, OES/Federation University Online Veronica Morin, Technology Innovation Manager, OES/Federation University Online.

1. Study Melbourne Future Founders: Innovating International Student Experience

Presenter/s: Tara Power, Partnerships Lead – State Library Victoria/StartSpace; Tran Nguyen, Manager, Student Programs, International Education – Global Victoria; Kennie Kurniawan, StartSpace Program Manager.

Innovating the international student experience with entrepreneurial programming: how Study Melbourne and State Library Victoria join forces to develop the Future Founders Program. Now in its third year, Study Melbourne Future Founders is the first and largest entrepreneurial program dedicated for international students. By integrating them in our start-up ecosystem, the program provides wrap-around support for international students in Victoria at all stages of their business idea via our festival, roadshows and venture scholarships.

1. Managing (panicking?!) current and emerging challenges to Academic Integrity – discussion forum

Presenter/s: Dr Cameron Foale, Discipline Leader, Information Technology, Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability (IISS), Federation University

In this presentation, we will explore the challenges facing academic integrity in the digital age. We will discuss the most common forms of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism and cheating, and the consequences of engaging in these behaviours. We will also examine the role of technology in facilitating academic dishonesty and the efforts to combat it through the development of new tools and strategies. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on this important topic.

Sessions A - R

Session A: Enhancing Communities: Meeting the needs of Industry
Presenter/s:  Dr. Omaru Maruatona – CEO, Aiculus; Josh Power - alumni of the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice) and Sharyn Crawford - Manager Work Integrated Learning with MC: Andrew Evans - Director, Academic Services and Support, Federation University

This panel presentation will discuss the needs of industry with internships and student experience in an environment of Global skills shortage and students being job-ready. The panel will include an industry speaker of benefits of student-university-business co-operation and a student from the IPP program.

Session B: University Policy Library Rejuvenation & impact on Partners
Presenter/s:  Karen Robinson - Manager, International and Strategic Compliance, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University, Jess Frost-Camilleri - Policy Writer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

The presentation aims to provide an overview of the University Policy Library Rejuvenation project and the impact on partners with regard to audits and ESOS / HESF compliance.

Session C: I’m a Student! Hear me laugh?
Presenter/s:  Emma Derainne – Program Coordinator – Early Childhood Education, and Food and Nutritional Sciences,  OES/Federation University Online

Empowering all students to use their cultural capital and authentic ‘self’ to enhance opportunities for student voice through asynchronous content and synchronous live collaboration sessions. How to harbour positive feelings of belonging in online learning environments through the use of humour, grit, critical-thinking, collaboration, and creativity.Reducing social distancing, breaking hierarchy, excepting the cultural capital, and the personal and professional experience of students as a critical inclusion via Social Presence Theory and meeting students where they are as mobile-multitaskers, social networkers, and drivers for the present & future.  Setting up students to higher employability through confidence established by the reinforcement of their ‘voice’ in their learning.  I’m a student, hear me roar!

Session D: Meeting Students’ Academic Skill Development Needs
Presenter/s:  Leigh Albon - Manager of Learning and Academic Skills Success, Student Experience and Admin Services (SEAS),  Federation University

Embedding study skills supports at the place of need – Course Moodle shells. This presentation will detail how academic staff can meet these needs prior to the student requiring assistance from student support teams.

Session E: Connected and integrated: Recasting student experience, innovation, and learner centricity
Presenter/s:  Prof. James Roffee - Head of Campus, Federation University, Brisbane

The presentation details how the campus has recast the student experience following feedback from stakeholders as we exit the pandemic. A focus on learner-centricity has highlighted the value stakeholders can gain from deepening the integration and connectedness of services, simultaneously enhancing the quality of the student experience. In addition, innovation in service delivery has allowed further gains through the integration of delivery and simplifying access to services and support. Finally, looking forward, we detail how we will review the project's success and what further learnings can be gained for use in other analogous projects.

Session F: How great are Libraries!?
Presenter/s:  Allison Hadfield - Liaison Librarian (Partner Support), Library Services, Federation University

Your institutions library is more than just a collection of textbooks, it offers spaces, staff support, safety and connection for students and is the heart of any campus. Federation University Libraries have set up a fantastic network between Partner Librarians, creating professional development opportunities and collegial support.

Federation University’s Partner Support Librarian will talk about this network, the support it offers and just how great libraries are!

Session G: Industry Facing Experiences/Co-op Model Elements
Presenter/s:  Prof. Christina Lee - Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Federation University

This session will outline what are the elements of the co-op university model from Career fundamentals core units, FedTalent and a range of IFE opportunities, and FedTask.

Session H: Degree Plus & The Employability, Skills and Jobs Hub: Creating a pathway to success, curated for an international cohort.
Presenter/s: Kayne Hunnam - Manager, Campus Operations and Partnerships, Federation University, Brisbane

The wider Brisbane jobs market is full of opportunities; however, it is often the case that international students have difficulty finding employment in roles that are within the industry or career pathway that they have chosen to study.  The Federation University Brisbane City Innovation Campus set out on a 12-month project to directly address this issue by establishing two distinct, yet inter-connected programs that offer an additional short course, micro-credential or certificate that has been specifically curated and tailored through a visible careers and skills development service.  With the goal of accelerating every student’s journey to success, the programs aim to discover what each individual student aspires to achieve in their career, and then connect those students with meaningful professional development, mentoring, internships, volunteer opportunities or training experiences that are tailored to their own unique career pathway at no additional cost.

Session I: Building inclusion through language
Presenter/s:  Christine Muscat - Program Coordinator – Psychology and Postgraduate Health , OES/Federation University Online

Using respectful and inclusive language to avoid further marginalisation for marginalised groups.

Working with individuals with lived experience and advocacy groups to include inclusive and respectful language into our courses. We will encourage participation from our students.  Modelling respectful and inclusive language can increase the student experience and enhance student engagement. By implementing these changes, Course Coordinators and Learning Advisors will have a better understanding of the perspectives of students from marginalised groups.

Session J: Understanding Federation Alumni and the Federation University Australia Foundation
Presenter/s: Pam Sutcliffe - Advancement Manager, Advancement, Federation University

This session will focus on what you need to know about what you can do to support the Federation University Australia Foundation.  Easy steps to support the Federation University Foundation to grow, along with practical tools to help you when speaking to people who might have an interest in supporting Federation University's mission. 
This session will also focus on how to work closely with Federation Alumni to grow your alumni network, hold alumni events and identify prominent alumni.

Session K: Respondus – AI invigilated Assessment
Presenter/s: Adam Barbary - Manager, Learning and Teaching Technology Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University and Cameron Maher - Senior Learning and Teaching Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Online Assessment brings flexibility, but also raises issues about the authenticity of who is taking the test. Respondus Monitor combines the security of a locked down browser and AI analysed video recordings.

Session L: Motivating Minds Across Cultures: Inspiring life-long learners
Presenter/s: Grant Meredith - Discipline Leader for Information Technology, Global Professional School, Federation University

This presentation will touch upon the importance of influence upon not only the grades of offshore students, but also the need to inspire them to think globally and to look beyond their studies courses at hand. The presentation will also discuss the need to adopt a philosophical approach to teaching and learning beyond a pedagogical approach.

Session M: Project Based Learning
Presenter/s: Nadil Sundarapperuma, Assistant Manager, Academic Services, IIBIT and Dr Naga Dasari, Lecturer, IIBIT

Presentation is based on the delivery experience from Master and Bachelor projects. Explore use of software projects enhance teamwork, problem solving, mentoring, presentation, and communication skills.

Session N: Development of Fed pathways with Ed Tech platforms
Presenter/s: Jason Rogers - Manager, Global Pathways, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

In 2022, the Global Professional School launched a new suite of Higher Education pathway programs.  These included three Higher Education Diplomas (Diploma of IT, Diploma of Business and Diploma of Engineering), which pathway into the second year of a Bachelor program. The Global Professional School also developed a Foundation Studies program, which is equivalent to a High School year 12, and an ELICOS program.  These programs provide a pathway for students that do not meet the requirements for direct entry into Bachelor programs and provide additional contact hours and support to help students succeed in their educational journey.  To support student learning and engagement, these Pathway programs have implemented the use of different technologies and platforms including Quitch and activity-based learning quizzes which challenge the students and ensure the learning transfer is effective.  These technologies and platforms also present an opportunity to ensure students have a similar educational experience across different campuses and partner locations.

Session O: Gamified, scenario-based learning.
Presenter/s: Jaimee Westin - Senior Digital Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University and Adam Barbary - Manager, Learning and Teaching Technology Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Online interactive content to scaffold OH&S reporting. How do you expose students to the application of a workplace process without physical access to the environment?

Through the use of a gamified digital interactive scenario, with simulated questioning, data collection and reporting, students follow and learn the process of preparing a post event OH&S incident report

Session P: My Accent is my Superpower: International Student Employability
Presenter/s:  Cheree Macdonald International -Student Employability Coordinator, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University and Greta Murdoch - International Student Employability Coordinator, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Coaching international students to understand their value proposition impacting employability outcomes. Addressing misconceptions of employing international students and focussing on accent as a superpower.

Session Q: Industry as partners in curriculum – a collaboration in creating co-op learning experiences
Presenter/s: Tulsa Andrews - Director (Lecturer), Teaching Quality and Learning, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University and Kellie Macneil - Learning Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

As Federation University transforms programs into a co-op model of learning, the role of industry in co-design, co-development and co-delivery becomes central to the creation of curricula.  This presentation outlines what this partnership might look like within a curriculum design methodology

Session R: Work Integrated Learning Opportunities for Partners
Presenter/s: Dr Debbie Lord - Discipline Leader for Business, Global Professional School, Federation University

What is Work Integrated Learning? This presentation provides a snapshot of WIL options and opportunities. WIL offers endless possibilities for students to engage and connect with Industry.

Presenter Biographies

Vanessa Brady - Manager, Global Professional Services, Federation University

Vanessa Brady has been working with the Federation University education partners for nearly 10 years. Since commencing at the university, she has developed a number of training resources on systems and processes, as well as having conducted extensive partner training. As the Manager, Global Professional Services she is responsible for managing the contractual operational relationships between Federation University and its education partners to ensure that relationships are productive, compliant and reflect positively on the University. As the manager, she is also responsible for leading and/or coordinating the development and delivery of systems and processes which underpin education program delivery, including the administrative, student experience and quality assurance elements. Previous to working at the university she has experience at two other universities in Victoria as well as two TAFE institutions, as well as extensive event management and marketing experience.

Brooke Adams - ITS Training Officer, Federation University

Brooke Adams started working at the university in 2013 in the work integrated learning team, arranging placements for students in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary teaching programs. From there she moved on to manage the placement system, InPlace, and provide support for users of the system. In 2019, Brooke moved into her current role as an IT Trainer, where she provides training on a wide variety of software programs including myStudent Centre, fdlGrades, InPlace and most Microsoft applications.

Assoc. Prof. Jason Giri - Dean, Global Professional School, Federation University

Associate Professor Jason Giri is currently the Dean, Global Professional School at Federation University. Jason has previously held roles as Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor; International, Academic Director, International Education; Dean of the School of Science, Engineering and IT; Head of the School of Engineering and Information Technology and Deputy Dean, Science and Mathematics. Jason has over 20 years of academic experience and researches in the areas of mathematical optimization and tertiary education. Jason was awarded a national Citation for Contribution to Student Learning in 2007.

Prof. Duncan Bentley - Vice-Chancellor and President, Federation University

Federation University’s Vice-Chancellor and President believes a dual-sector regional university sits at the heart of its communities, playing a core role in their prosperity and growth.

Throughout his career Professor Bentley has supported universities to grow through design thinking, digital innovation, deep community engagement and long-term global partnerships.

He comes to Federation from a distinguished academic career at Swinburne University as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).

There, he led the academic, international, online and Indigenous portfolios. He is known for his national leadership in lifelong learning so that everyone can develop the skills to thrive in a digital society, beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout life, inspired by curiosity, giving life to dreams.

Previously at Victoria University he had oversight of vocational education, external engagement and international. He believes that the happiest and most successful organisations and communities are diverse and inclusive.

Growing up on coffee plantations and game reserves in Africa, he champions adoption of technologies to support sustainability. Professor Bentley completed a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of Cape Town.

He went on to complete a Master of Laws from the University of London, Master of Laws (Corporate and Commercial) and PhD from Bond University.

Carolyn Chong -  Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement, Federation University

Ms Chong commenced on 9 March 2021. She has held senior leadership roles across a range of portfolios at Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria University and RMIT University over the past twenty years, including most recently Dean of Swinburne Global Education.

Ms Chong is an expert in partnered delivery both internationally and domestically across several continents and has overseen the set-up and implementation of new campuses, most recently in Sydney and Vietnam. She has been Chair of Victorian TAFE International and has extensive experience in growing vocational training and industry partnerships, including Business to Business education.

A strategic thinker, Ms Chong has built research and mobility partnerships across Europe and the Americas to complement significant success in New Colombo Plan funding for Asian partnerships. She brings expertise in building work placements and internships across higher education and vocational education.

Ms Chong has worked closely with Federal, State and local governments and regulatory authorities both in Australia and their equivalents particularly across Asia.

Prof. Christina Lee -  Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor )Academic), Federation University

Professor Christina Lee joined Federation University Australia in October 2018. Prior to joining Federation as Dean, she was Professor of Marketing, Head of Department and MBA Director at Monash University Malaysia, where she had also served as the Head of School. Christina’s international experience is gained from positions held at the University of Auckland, as well as visiting positions in Pennsylvania State University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She also has commercial marketing research and consulting experience, both from working as an independent consultant in New Zealand as well as with a global market research company in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Christina’s research interest lies in consumer behaviour and marketing, specifically issues relating to sustainable and responsible consumption, decision making, social marketing and services. She has recently become interested in macro-marketing. While her preferred method of inquiry is qualitative, she also collaborates in research that uses experimental designs.

Dr. Omaru Maruatona – CEO, Aiculus

Dr. Omaru Maruatona is the CEO of Aiculus, a technology company that specialises in cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence. Omaru has previously worked at PwC Australia in cybersecurity architecture and strategy; and before that as a Security Engineer at Computershare; and as an Artificial Intelligence researcher with Federation University prior to that. In addition to leading the Aiculus team, Omaru is a mentor for an Australian and a Singaporean business accelerator, an advisor for a British venture capital company and a board director for the Buninyong community bank. Omaru is a 2022 Federation Uni distinguished alumnus is a supporter of industry supported learning.

Josh Power – alumni, Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice), z/OS Systems Programmer, z/OS Server Support and Federation University Bachelor of I.T. (Professional Practice) Intern Coordinator

Josh Power is a mainframe systems programmer working for kyndryl/IBM for the past 4 years. He studied with Federation University from 2016 and graduated in 2019 where he started a graduate role with Kyndryl/IBM. During his time with Federation University, he gained a lot of useful skills, including researching, coding, systems programming, databases and many others. Additionally, during his degree he was fortunate enough to participate in the Earn as You Learn program, where he worked at IBM as an intern. This allowed him to learn about how the industry works from a perspective that would not have been possible otherwise. The skills he learnt while studying at the same time enabled him to better understand the content that was being delivered and put that into practice with the team that he was working with.

Sharyn Crawford - Manager, Work Integrated Learning, Academic Services and Support (ASSD), Federation University

Sharyn has worked in the education sector for over 30 years, initially in the Grampians Regional Education office in Finance, Human Resources, Operations and Work cover, then as a consultant Business Manager in over 20 schools and preschools in Victoria.  Sharyn started with Ballarat University , now Federation University, in 2006 as a School Administrative Manager with the School of Science and Engineering, later to be restructured to the School of Health.  A two-year period was spent in the projects team working on capital works projects.  This period was followed with two years with the Department of Justice and Regulations managing teams of support staff in two prisons and two regional offices. During this time Sharyn completed her Diploma of Project Management, MBA and Cert IV TAE.  In 2016 Sharyn returned to Federation University in the role of Manager, Administration and Financial Operations with Federation College, then moved onto Human Resources and then into her current role of Manager, WIL.  This rewarding role sees Sharyn leading a team of over 20 people supplying students to experience WIL in the workplace prior to completing their programs of study and liaising closely with industry and academics.

Andrew Evans - Director, Academic Services and Support, Federation University

Andrew commenced with Federation University in July 2018 as the inaugural Director, Academic Services and Support Directorate.  The position is responsible for the professional staff and services of the Academic Services and Support Directorate, which primarily supports the University’s three academic Institutes.  The responsibilities of the portfolio range from supporting Institute operations through to the provision of student placements, technical services, examinations and timetabling for HE and VET.  Prior to commencing at Federation, Andrew was the Director of Strategy and Operations, International Institute of Primary Healthcare located in Shenzhen, China.  Previously Andrew has held positions at Monash University that include Faculty Manager (COO) of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (MNHS), Director International (MNHS) and Director of Improved Services at Monash University.  Andrew has also worked in leadership positions at Deakin, UNSW and UWS.  While working in these positions, he also spent 10 years providing leadership in student residences at Monash and USYD.  Andrew has studied at Monash, Melbourne and Harvard, and worked in-country across North Asia, SE Asia, Africa, North America and the Middle East.

Karen Robinson - Manager, International and Strategic Compliance, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Karen is the Manager, International & Strategic Compliance at Federation University. She has worked at the University for 4 ½ years in a range of roles including teaching and Education Manager in the TAFE area before seeing the light and joining Quality Services!

Karen has a range of qualifications including a Masters in Business Administration, and a Masters in Disability Studies and is passionate about quality and compliance and the impact that organisational continuous improvement can make for our students.

When Karen is not auditing and checking people’s compliance with the National Code or Higher Education Standards Framework, she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, exercising and getting back to running after several major back surgeries.

Jess Frost-Camilleri - Policy Writer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Jessica is the Policy Writer at Federation University. During her time at the University, she has worked in the Policy and Quality Assurance Team, focusing on Higher Education and most recently on Policy. She has been actively involved in the Policy Library Rejuvenation Project, modernising and simplifying the policy library to be more agile to the ever-changing tertiary education landscape.

In her spare time, Jessica enjoys gardening, yoga and walking. Unlike Karen, if you see her running, you should run too, as something is clearly chasing her!

Emma Derainne – Program Coordinator – Early Childhood Education, and Food and Nutritional Sciences,  OES/Federation University Online

Emma Derainne is the Program Coordinator for Federation Online in Early Childhood Education; and Food and Nutrition Sciences.  Emma has an Associate Fellowship (Indigenous) from the Queensland Academy of Learning and Teaching and extended her knowledge of Aboriginal, Torres Strait and Global Indigenous perspectives to a presentation of Digital Yarning Circles at the 2022 STARS Conference. As a bi-cultural and bilingual First Generation Graduate.

Leigh Albon - Manager of Learning and Academic Skills Success, Student Experience and Admin Services (SEAS),  Federation University

Leigh has been a staff member of Federation University Australia since 2015. He started as a casually employed Learning Skills Advisor, and now is manager of the LASS team. Leigh works at the Gippsland campus and studied at the same campus in the ‘90s. He particularly enjoys working with commencing students, and working in programs and projects designed to prepare them for their studies.

Prof. James Roffee - Head of Campus, Federation University, Brisbane

Professor James Roffee was appointed the role of Head of Campus (Brisbane) and commenced on 13 September 2021. James was previously Dean, Global Education at Swinburne University of Technology where he led a multidisciplinary team of professional and academic staff providing oversight and education delivery with partners in Sydney, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. In his role as Dean International with the Faculty of Business and Law, James led the faculty’s international strategy and operations supporting delivery of transnational education programs, overseeing the development of new innovative postgraduate programs and student mobility programs and worked closely with the international recruitment team to grow student enrolments. James is well versed in designing bespoke programs for industry partners and in 2019, initiated a new flagship partnership with the Institute of Managers and Leaders. In 2017 James received the Monash University Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence. His research received the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Outstanding Paper for Safer Communities. James is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and in 2017, James was appointed to the Victorian Government’s LGBTIQ+ Taskforce Justice Working Group, advising the Minister for Equality, the Attorney-General and Department of Justice and Community Safety on issues relating to civil and criminal law, youth justice, safer communities, policing and corrections.

Allison Hadfield - Liaison Librarian (Partner Support), Library Services, Federation University

Allison joined the Federation University Library team in June 2022. She has over 16 years’ experience in Academic, Public and Medical Libraries and is very passionate about Libraries and their place as the heart of communities. She is the author of “The Mad Scientist of Australian Hot Rodding”.

Kayne Hunnam - Manager, Campus Operations and Partnerships, Federation University, Brisbane

Kayne Hunnam has a strong passion for managing teams and delivering high quality educational programs by developing spaces equipped with modern technologies that help form intersections between traditional knowledge and contemporary innovations. In 2018, Kayne was awarded for his role in planning and activating an $80million precinct of 42 state-of-the-art educational facilities for the Queensland University of Technology’s - Creative Industries Faculty. He subsequently went on to manage the operations, support staff, partnerships, student events, and scheduling for those facilities in 2019 as the Manager of Creative Industries - Technical Services. Having worked in leadership roles for the Queensland University of Technology for 14 years, Kayne then joined Federation University as the Manager, Campus Operations & Partnerships at the start of 2022.

Prof. Christina Lee - Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Federation University

Professor Christina Lee joined Federation University Australia in October 2018. Prior to joining Federation as Dean, she was Professor of Marketing, Head of Department and MBA Director at Monash University Malaysia, where she had also served as the Head of School. Christina’s international experience is gained from positions held at the University of Auckland, as well as visiting positions in Pennsylvania State University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She also has commercial marketing research and consulting experience, both from working as an independent consultant in New Zealand as well as with a global market research company in Indonesia and Malaysia. Christina’s research interest lies in consumer behaviour and marketing, specifically issues relating to sustainable and responsible consumption, decision making, social marketing and services. She has recently become interested in macro-marketing. While her preferred method of inquiry is qualitative, she also collaborates in research that uses experimental designs.

Christine Muscat - Program Coordinator – Psychology and Postgraduate Health , OES/Federation University Online

Christine has postgraduate qualifications in psychology and public health. She has worked for more than 10 years as a registered psychologist in both Education and Clinical settings and as well as worked in the online tertiary space since 2016. She is currently a member of a few advocacy groups that aim to support neurodivergent children and adults, and to also reduce the stigma associated with neurodivergence. Her main area of interest is exploring how neurodivergent students and students with disability can access an equitable education experience, and she enjoys collaborating with others who share this interest.

Pam Sutcliffe - Advancement Manager, Advancement, Federation University

Pam Sutcliffe has held the position of Advancement Manager at Federation University for the past 12 years, where she has responsibility for the management of the University’s Alumni Program and administration of the Federation University Australia Foundation, the fundraising part of the University. Pam joined the University in July 2007 as the Graduations Co-ordinator.  Her career prior to the education sector includes 21 years spent in local government, working at an executive level. As Advancement Manager, Pam has been responsible for the development of an on-line service for all University graduates to access and keep in touch with fellow classmates, as well as an online donor management system for the Foundation, and seeking donations to establish the University’s Foundation Scholarships.

Grant Meredith - Discipline Leader for Information Technology, Federation University

Grant Meredith is the discipline leader of Information Technology for the Global Professional School and has 17 years’ experience as an academic at Federation. Grant has taught for Federation’s offshore Chinese IT partnerships for over 10 years and has led four successful New Colombo Funded student cultural experience excursions. This has led to an increase in articulation numbers. Grant has also presented in areas of learning and teaching in China across different universities including South China Normal University which is famous for its teaching graduates.

Adam Barbary - Manager, Learning and Teaching Technology Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Adam is manager of the Learning Technologies Support and Production team at Federation University. A former schoolteacher, Adam has extensive experience with online learning tools both inside the classroom as well as with support and administration. He has been working with the Moodle platform for over 17 years and was instrumental with its adoption at Federation. Adam’s team now incorporates digital learning object design, video production, graphic design as well as support and training for all online teaching and learning platforms.

Cameron Maher - Senior Learning and Teaching Support, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

An alumnus of Federation University, having studied a Bachelor of I.T, Cameron has worked for Federation for 10 years and with the Centre for Academic Development for 8 years. Initially supporting staff and students with the day-to-day operations of Moodle and its integrated systems as a Support Officer, he now leads a small team of Support Officers who provide the day-to-day support of Moodle. Cameron is passionate about the sector and Edtech in particular. High quality service to our university community through user training, the development of educational guides and just-in-time support is a major fucus for Cameron and his team.

Dr. Alan Labas - Lecturer, Management, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Previously, Dr Alan Labas was the Associate Dean (Engagement) in the Faculty of Business, Federation University Australia. He has also held the role of Director of Applied Degrees and has lectured in Business Communications, Marketing Communications and Project Management. Alan has held management positions in the advertising industry, manufacturing and education. Alan's research interests are in Regional Australian, small business knowledge management and business advisor knowledge transference.

Aengus Bowers - Learning and Teaching Support Officer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University – Alumni from the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice)

Aengus graduated from Federation University Australia in early 2023 after studying the Bachelor of Information Technology (Professional Practice). His program involved an industry experience internship at IBM Australia, so he was working there throughout the course of his bachelor’s degree. His studies had a major focus on software engineering. The other subjects he studied covered topics like project management, web design, data analytics, and databases. After graduation, by the end of 2023 Aengus had started working at Federation University within the Centre for Academic Development (CAD) as a Learning and Teaching Support Officer. His role mostly involves helping the university’s staff and students with the effective use of learning technologies, such as our learning management system, Moodle. Aside from this, he also promotes skill development by producing instructional resources, and undertake a wide range of operational tasks, among other things.

Yishi (Lewis) Liu - Graduand in Honours,Bachelor of Science (Honours), alumni from Bachelor of Information Technology (Games Development) and Advanced Diploma of Computer (delivered in China at Guangdong Shaoguan University)

Yishi Liu, or you may call her“Lewis,”  is a successful Federation University graduate from China, and is 25 years old. Yishi enrolled at our Shaoguan University (SGU) partner in 2017 to study the Advanced Diploma of Computing. After completing the Advanced Diploma, Yishi continued study and was awarded a bachelor's degree in Game Development from Federation at the end of 2021 through the "3+1" programme run by SGU in collaboration with Federation. Due to her diligent studies Yishi was awarded the Outstanding Student in Game Development by the ACS organisation after graduation. After her undergraduate degree, Yishi applied for a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in in 2022 studying the use of augmented reality games to teach balance and coordination to children aged 4 to 8 years old. Yishi has only recently found that that she has gained a first-class Honours pass and will graduate in early 2023. She is contemplating PhD studies in the future.

Vanya Trendafilova - Graduand in Master of Business Administration (International Business), Federation University

Vanya Trendafilova is originally from Bulgaria and has been in Australia for the past seven years. Since coming to Australia, she has been working in the Hospitality industry which she likes because is fast-paced environment and she gets to meet many people. For the past two years she has been working as a restaurant manager in an Italian restaurant. Vanya has completed two Master degrees in Australia – Master of International Tourism and Hotel Management at Southern Cross University, and Master of Business Administration at Federation University. The Master of Business Administration at Federation University was very beneficial for her professional development as a manager, and she has learnt a lot throughout the course. Vanya considers herself a learner, always wanting to improve, and has applied to do another degree at Federation University.

Dr. David Waldron - Senior Lecturer, History, Federation University

Dr David Waldron is a Senior Lecturer in history at Federation University Australia, with a research focus on folklore and community heritage, particularly the development of urban legends and popular folklore as a response to traumatic community experiences. David is the author of Sign of the Witch: Modernity and the Pagan Revival (Carolina Academic Press, 2008), Shock! The Black Dog of Bungay – a Case Study in Local Folklore (Hidden Press, 2010) and Snarls from the Tea-Tree: Victoria’s Big Cat Folklore (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2013). He is also editor/contributor to Goldfields and the Gothic: a Hidden Heritage and Folklore (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2016) and Aradale: the Making of a Haunted Asylum (Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2020).

Lucy Elliott - Academic Director - OES/Federation University Online

Lucy leads OES’ engagement with Federation University. Lucy is particularly passionate about inclusive learning. Her sharp focus on innovative course design and delivery is backed by deep pedagogical knowledge, developed over more than 20 years in learning design and education consulting. Before taking on the role of Academic Director, Lucy led OES’ award-winning Learning Design team.

Sue Kokonis - Chief Academic Officer - OES/Federation University Online

With a passion to see education transform lives, Sue has a strategic focus on best practice online learning. As the Chief Academic officer at OES, Sue brings a commitment to evidence-based learning design and delivery. She underpins her vision for the student experience with deep academic expertise in online and blended solutions and a focus on student success.

Veronica Morin - Technology Innovation Manager, OES/Federation University Online

A technology leader in the Education sector for over 25 years, Veronica heads up the Technology Innovation and Classroom Experience teams at OES. She focusses on understanding trends in technology, industry and society with the goal to identify disruption and opportunity and to deliver an outstanding customer experience.

Nadil Sundarapperuma, Assistant Manager, Academic Services, IIBIT

Nadil is the academic manager at International Institute of Business and Information Technology (IIBIT) Adelaide Campus. Nadil has more than 18 years of teaching experience in both vocational and higher education sectors and worked in number of educational institutes in Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.  Nadil has taught range of programming and project related courses at the Federation University Since 2005. He has also involved in developing curriculum for number of vocational and higher education programs including unit of competency design for  ICT National Training Package.

Dr. Naga Mallik Dasari, Lecturer and Academic Coordinator, IIBIT

Naga has more than 20 years of overseas teaching experience. He has completed PhD in UniSA in 2016 with thesis titled “Computational Approaches to Unveil the Dynamics of Functional Brain Networks during Cognitive Activity using EEG Data”.

Naga has been teaching at IIBIT, Adelaide from 2016.  He has been teaching Project for masters since it is combined into one semester course.  He has also taught different courses in Software Engineering, Enterprise Systems & Business Analytics and Bachelor of IT.

Jason Rogers - Manager, Global Pathways, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Jason is manager of the Global Pathways team at Federation University.  Jason has extensive experience working in Higher Education and Vocational Education pathways that spans 25 years.  He has a masters in Business Management Studies from Waikato University, New Zealand, and is currently completing a PhD through Griffith University, Australia. Jason led programs in the PTE sector in New Zealand, before coming to Australian in 2012, and leading Vocational Colleges in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Tasmania and Perth.  Before coming to Federation University in 2021, he worked at Swinburne University as the Associate Director of Pathways, helping liaise between Swinburne University and Swinburne College.  Jason believes that pathways allows everyone the opportunity to learn and there are no barriers to education, with these programs.

Cheree Macdonald International -Student Employability Coordinator, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University and Greta Murdoch - International Student Employability Coordinator, Global Professional School (GPS), Federation University

Cheree Macdonald and Greta Murdoch are passionate educators and engagement specialists advocating and supporting young people. Currently working as International Student Employability Coordinators in the Global Professional School at Federation University, the work Cheree and Greta do has two main intentions:

  • Working with industry to advocate for international students and create more opportunities for employment
  • Working with international students to increase their employability to access the opportunities

Cheree and Greta have been working together for 8 years celebrating diversity, advocating for inclusion and equity in accessing opportunities for young people. Join us as we:

  • Understand how an international student's accent is their superpower
  • Raise awareness of the employability of international students
  • Explore the challenges and opportunities of international students
  • Encourage international students to understand the positive impact of employability coaching
  • A call to action for industry and community groups to collaborate, to employ more, offer more work experience, remove barriers, and share success stories of international students

Jaimee Westin - Senior Digital Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Jaimee is a Senior Digital Designer and Team Leader within the Centre for Academic Development. Jaimee has over 15 years’ experience and specialises in graphic design and film production with a focus on usability and accessibility. Jaimee’s team can assist with the creation and enhancement of all types of course material, produce high quality graphics, interactive content, 2D and 3D objects, as well as script, direct, shoot and produce video and digital narratives.

Adam is manager of the Learning Technologies Support and Production team at Federation University. A former schoolteacher, Adam has extensive experience with online learning tools both inside the classroom as well as with support and administration. He has been working with the Moodle platform for over 17 years and was instrumental with its adoption at Federation. Adam’s team now incorporates digital learning object design, video production, graphic design as well as support and training for all online teaching and learning platforms.

Tulsa Andrews - Director (Lecturer), Teaching Quality and Learning, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Tulsa has an extensive teaching career working within the learning and teaching domain for over 30 years. Her teaching experience spans from patient education in a hospital setting (as paediatric nurse for 8 years), health education of primary and secondary students, parent education programs, staff professional development (as Manager of the School Nursing Program with the Victorian Department of Education – 12 years), and tertiary undergraduate and postgraduate courses in learning and teaching (10+ years).Tulsa manages a large team of lecturing staff and learning designers, in addition to leading and/or overseeing the planning, creation, facilitation and evaluation of a range of curriculum quality and teaching practice resources and professional learning to support the integrity of learning and teaching practices of academic staff. This also includes the objective of increasing engagement of academic staff with the scholarship of learning and teaching across the

Kellie Macneil - Learning Designer, Centre for Academic Development (CAD), Federation University

Kellie Macneil's role as Learning Designer involves providing advice and assistance to teaching staff in the design and delivery of online and blended courses. Broadly speaking Kellie's emphasis is on supporting staff to use effective pedagogical approaches in creating engaging, student-centred learning, particularly in online and blended delivery. Kellie is also responsible for designing online learning support materials and programs and delivering training in the use of Moodle, other eLearning tools and online course design.Kellie has extensive experience as a learning/instructional designer and technical writer. Prior to joining FedUni, Kellie spent seven years working as an instructional designer for a major Australian software company and registered training organisation, where she successfully implemented the Moodle Learning Management System and developed a number of online learning and assessment programs.Kellie also worked at the University of Melbourne coordinating the research publications collection.

Dr Debbie Lord - Discipiline Leader for Business, Federation University

Dr Debbie Lord is an HRM academic with over 15 years of teaching experience. Teaching areas include Human Resource Management, Management, Sport Management, and Entrepreneurship. She is interested in Work Integrated Learning and see WIL complementing academic learning. WIL allows students to apply theory taught at University in a practical setting. I have successfully coordinated more than 80 Internships and placements. Research areas include Performance Appraisals, Animal welfare, and ethics.

Tara Power - Partnerships Lead, State Library Victoria / Start Space

As Partnerships Lead for State Library Victoria’s startup community – StartSpace, Tara develops strategic partnerships across industry, government and education providers supporting entrepreneurs and founders from all walks of life. Tara has built a career developing people, partnerships and brands that help business’ grow and cultures thrive. From leading creative agencies in the UK and APAC, Tara’s diverse experience also extended to being a founder of her own theatre and consulting companies. A passionate advocate of inclusion and diversity Tara also serves as VP on the Exec. Board of Creative Women’s Circle, an NFP that champions, supports and connects creative women across Australia.  Tara Power_LinkedIn

Tran Nguyen - Manager, Student Programs, International Education – Global Victoria

Tran Nguyen is the Manager, Student Programs, in the International Education team of Global Victoria, State Government of Victoria's trade facilitation agency and gateway to global economies and communities. Tran holds a master’s degree in International Relations from Melbourne University and has worked in a broad range of secondary education, international education and market development roles in the last 10 years, both in Australia and overseas. In his current role at Study Melbourne, Tran is responsible for building and implementing Empowered series Study Melbourne Empowered Series (Empowered) – an initiative investing in student empowerment and leadership development beyond the classroom.

Kennie Kurniawan  - Future Founders Program Manager

Kennie Kurniawan is the StartSpace Program Coordinator and project manager of the Study Melbourne Future Founders Program, Australia’s largest entrepreneurial program aimed at entrepreneurs from an international students background. Born in Jakarta, Kennie came to Melbourne as an international student. She began her career in marketing consulting & FMCG, until she took the plunge be an entrepreneur. Learning from her business successes & failures, Kennie’s been actively supporting early-stage founders in Victoria through mentorship & learning programs. Kennie is currently part of StartSpace, State Library Victoria’s unique, free business service and community for early-stage founders. Kennie Kurniawan | LinkedIn

Cameron Foale -  Discipline Leader, Information Technology, Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability (IISS), Federation University

Dr Cameron Foale is a Lecturer in information technology at Federation University Australia. Dr Foale’s research expertise includes digital capture of stringed instrument acoustics, biopsychosocial health data, reinforcement learning, and safe and explainable artificial intelligence.

Cameron is currently working on research projects in machine learning for cross-talk minimisation, Bayesian approaches to multiobjective reinforcement learning, and multi-channel effects processing for stringed instruments. Cameron is an active member of Federation Learning Agents Group (FLAG) and has been part of several of the University’s flagship research centres, as well as being involved in the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL).

Cameron completed his PhD at the University of Ballarat in 2010 in the field of acoustics for virtual environments, and subsequently entered the IT industry as a web and games developer in the digital education sector. Cameron returned to teaching and research at Federation University in 2014.