Membership and Charter


Position on Academic BoardName
Chair Professor Bernadine Van Gramberg
(term ends 31/12/26)
Deputy Chair, TAFEDarren Gray, Deputy Chief Executive, TAFE
Deputy Chair, HE 
Ex officio members
Vice-Chancellor and PresidentProfessor Duncan Bentley
ProvostLiam Sloan
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global and Engagement) Carolyn Chong
Chief Learner Experience Officer Samantha Bartlett
PVC (Learning and Teaching) and Executive Dean, Institute of Education, Arts and Community (IEAC)
Professor Birgit Loch
PVC (Research) and Executive Dean, Institute of Health and Wellbeing (IHW)Professor Remco Polman
PVC (Innovation) and Executive Dean,  Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability (IISS)Professor Iven Mareels
Senior TAFE representative Darren Gray
Chair, Curriculum Committee Associate Professor Linda Wight
(term ends 28/03/25)
Chair, Learning and Teaching Quality Committee
Professor Nina Fotinatos
Chair, Research Committee Professor Shane Thomas
Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation, or nomineeProfessor Andrew Gunstone
Elected members:
HE academic staff member (Level D - E) vacant

(term ends 30/09/24)

HE academic staff member (Level B - C) Dr Gopi Chattopadhyay
(term ends 30/09/24)  
TAFE Curriculum Leadership Team staff member
Sharyn Wright
(term ends 30/09/24)
TAFE Skills and Education Delivery Team staff memberDr Adam Bignold
(term ends 30/09/24) 
General/Professional staff member-
HDR studentShariq Khan

(term ends 30/09/25)

HE coursework studentJubin Raju

(term ends 30/09/24)

TAFE student-
(term ends 30/09/24)

Contact us

Lisa Francis, Executive Officer, Governance and Secretariat Services