Purchasing and accounts payable
Should purchase requisitions be GST inclusive or exclusive?
Exclusive. The system will automatically calculate the GST component. The formula to deduct GST is to divide the amount by 1.1
For example, total amount is $20: 20 / 1.1 = 18.18, therefore $18.18 is the value to enter into the system.
What should I do for approval of Requisitions which exceed $150,000?
When approving purchases that are outside of your delegation you will need to manually direct the requisition to an appropriate ad-hoc approver.
At a system level, it will not physically stop you doing the approval when it is above $150K or is a fixed asset, and as such, either the requester or the Level 3 approver will need to re-route it to the relevant approver. Instructions for including ad-hoc approvers are available from the eProcurement Training SharePoint site.
What should I do if I can't find the required vendor in the system?
Ensure your vendor has been approved before contracting them to provide goods or services. Failure to do so could result in significant delays in payment. Suppliers of services must meet the independent contractor assessment criteria.
Instructions on how to search for approved vendors are available on the eProcurement Training SharePoint site.
To request a new vendor be added to the system or to update an existing vendor's details, please contact the Finance Hub.
What number should I quote to vendors - the requisition number or the purchase order number?
When contacting vendors you should ONLY quote the purchase order number. Requisition numbers are internal to the University and will have no relevance to the vendor.
How do I know who my requisition has gone to for approval?
You should always click the 'Save and Preview Approvals" button before submitting a requisition for approval, as this will allow you to see who it will be routed to before you submit it.
After a requisition has been submitted for approval you can view it by going to the Manage Requisitions page. Find the Requisition and select 'View Approvals' from the 'Select Action' drop-down box and then click 'Go'. Click on the 'Multiple Approvers' link within the Line Level Amount Approvals Pending box. This will give you a list of all the Approvers that were notified. If there is only one Approver, their name will appear instead of the 'Multiple Approvers'.
How often does the University process payments to vendors? What can I do to ensure that they are paid on time?
The University has one weekly payment run which is based on 30 days from invoice date.
Payment to a supplier can only be made where the invoice can be matched to a valid purchase order, and a goods receipt has been processed in the system.
Full details of the goods receipting processes are available on the eProcurement Training SharePoint site.
What do I do with vendor tax invoices?
All invoices should be sent to Federation University Australia - Accounts Payable, PO Box 663, Mount Helen 3353. This address appears as the 'Bill to' address on the purchase order. If you receive an invoice with your goods, please forward it Finance for processing, or payment will be delayed. Electronic invoices can be sent directly to finance.payables@federation.edu.au.
How will vendors receive the University's purchase orders?
The preferred method of sending purchase orders is via email. Preferred Vendors of the University should provide Finance with an appropriate email address. Approved requisitions are sent out as purchase orders every day at 3pm and 6pm.
Purchasing cards should be used for urgent and minor purchases, or frequent purchases of low value. They shouldn't be used for equipment or personal transactions.
Alternatively supplier contracts can be put in place for frequently purchased items. Please contact Procurement for further details.