myFinance access and training
Login details for myFinance
Username: your network username
Password: your network password
Note that if you have not yet completed a Finance Systems Access/Amendment request, your network credentials will not work.
Scheduled training
Please log any myFinance training requests via the Service Desk portal.
myFinance support
Please log any myFinance support requests via the Service Desk portal. This enables users to log, view and update your myFinance support requests with the Service Desk. Note that logged jobs are given priority over direct phone calls and emails to Finance staff.
Changes to your myFinance access
Changes to your existing myFinance access can be made via the Finance Systems Access/Amendment Form.
myFinance approver on leave
If you are going on leave, please make sure you have someone acting in your absence and you notify the Service Desk. Financial delegates who approve transactions in myFinance should nominate a replacement person to approve in your absence. This person should also have a financial delegation or be formally 'Acting' in your position.
It is critical that financial transactions continue to be approved and processed in your absence. This will impact on all purchases, billing invoices and general journals. Please contact the Service Desk if you want to nominate someone to approve on your behalf. Remember to include the period of absence in your request.