Academic Board elections

Staff election

Thank you to all nominees for positions on Academic Board and its committees. At the close of nominations on 15 September 2024 the number of nominations received exceeded the number of vacancies . Accordingly, a ballot will be held to determine the successful candidate for each position in the table below. 

Eligibility to vote

Staff at Federation University are eligible to vote in one category only which corresponds to the position category in which they are employed. Voting staff must be employed by Federation University at a time fraction of 0.5 or greater.

For instance:

  1. General/Professional Staff positions are to be elected by General/Professional Staff.
  2. Higher Education Academic (Levels A-C) positions are to be elected by Higher Education Academics (Levels A-C).
  3. Higher Education Academic (Levels D-E) positions are to be elected by Higher Education Academics (Levels D-E).

The ballot uses a "first-past-the-post" voting system where each voter has a single vote and the candidate with the most votes wins.

See the supporting statements provided by each candidate in the table below.

Committee namePosition categoryCandidatesLink to ballot paper

Academic Board

One Higher Education Academic (Levels D-E)

  • Professor Muhammad Aziz Rahman
  • Associate Professor Mimmie Watts

See candidate statements here

Ballot paper

One Higher Education Academic (Levels A-C)

  • Dr Verity Archer
  • Dr Azadeh Noori Hoshyar
  • Dr Justin Timora

See candidate statements here

Ballot paper

Learning and Teaching
Quality Committee

One General/Professional Staff Member

  • Aengus Bower
  • Aimee Turner

See candidate statements here

Ballot paper

See the charters for the Academic Board and Learning and Teaching Quality Committee to explore their functions and responsibilities. Each position above is for a two-year term commencing on 1 October 2024 and ending on 30 September 2026.

Ballot process

The relevant ballot paper will be emailed to each category of staff when the ballot opens  to be lodged online before the ballot closes. A link to each will also be available in the table above when voting opens.

  • Ballot opens: 18 September 2024 at 9.00 am
  • Ballot closes: 25 September 2024 at 6.00 pm

Election results will be announced within 10-working days of the election closing or upon resolution of any outstanding disputes.

Election Officers

For any election-related enquiries please contact

This election is governed by the Federation University Australia (Operations) Regulations
This notice of election was first published on 2 September 2024.

Election Officer
Lisa Francis

Governance and Policy
Federation University Australia