Quality in Early Childhood

This course involves a critical study of theory and research in relation to perspectives on quality in early childhood education (birth to eight years). A range of viewpoints and approaches to evaluating quality in the care and education of infants, toddlers and young children are explored. Students also explore different approaches to quality assurance and management in early childhood settings as well as the implications for quality in curriculum, pedagogy, policy and practice.

Single subject short-course cost: $795

Program code: XC01

How to apply

  1. Navigate to apply.federation.edu.au
  2. Login/ register if you are a new applicant to Federation University.
  3. Select semester of commencement (Semester 1 or 2).
  4. Type the program code that relates to your desired course and click search.
  5. Select the program and complete application - please include the name of the course you would like to enrol into in the personal statement section. 
  6. Submit.

Note. Each course you want to enrol in will need a separate application.