Outdoor Education in the Middle Years

In this course, teachers examine both outdoor education as a unique subject area, and outdoor learning as a holistic pedagogical approach. They consider how each can be used within middle years of education settings in both formal and informal contexts. Delivered through a 6-day intensive at the Federation University outback property, teachers examine a range of theoretical and practical implications including the use of direct outdoor experiences as learning opportunities for middle years students.

Single subject short-course cost: $795

Program code: XC01

How to apply

  1. Navigate to apply.federation.edu.au
  2. Login/ register if you are a new applicant to Federation University.
  3. Select semester of commencement (Semester 1 or 2).
  4. Type the program code that relates to your desired course and click search.
  5. Select the program and complete application - please include the name of the course you would like to enrol into in the personal statement section. 
  6. Submit.

Note. Each course you want to enrol in will need a separate application.