
Giving header image

Launched in 2010 with an endowment of $200,000 by Dr Wai-Man Woo, hundreds of businesses, families, staff, and generous members of the University community have given funds that make a difference in the lives of students.

Thanks to the generosity of donors, we can help over 250 students a year with scholarships from the Foundation. These scholarships help students cover day-to-day expenses and costs associated with study, allowing students to achieve their career goals.

But many students are still doing it tough - applications for support went up 20% last year and only 1 in 6 applications can be funded. We need your help to bridge the gap.

100% of your donation goes toward the Foundation and supports scholarships that provide much needed financial aid for students experiencing hardship.

Make a life-changing gift

The Foundation offers donors the option to give in ways that best recognises their ongoing commitment. Each of our pages provides options to make a life-changing difference to students at Federation University.

Many of our previous and current donors have given amounts that are life-changing for Federation University students, joining our Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze Circles.