Student life-cycle policies

This diagram represents the student life-cycle and the external regulatory bodies and University operational areas that govern and support student activities.

By selecting areas of the diagram you will be presented with a list of Policies, Procedures and other documents that relate to that functional area.

Federation University Australia CouncilGovernanceHuman ResourcesLearning and TeachingFinanceResearchPhysical FacilitiesStudent Services and AdministrationInformation Management and InfrastructureCommunity Engagement and DevelopmentAustralian Qualifications FrameworkESOSTEQSAASQAVRQAVET funding contractQualifications and Graduations Program viability, approval and professional    accreditation Student Recruitment and Offer Acceptance and Enrolment Program Delivery Program Viability, Approval and Professional Accreditation Marketing / Advertising Recruitment and Agents Offers Fees, Charges, Payments and Refunds Deferment Pathways and Credit Enrolment and Acceptance Processes Transition and OrientationTraining and Plans Academic Integrity Teaching and Delivery Strategy Practical Placement Work-based Learning Excursions Assessment Academic Progression Complaints and Appeals Issuing Certificates Graduation Systems Alumni Teaching staff Alumni Student support - Academic and pastoral care Industry, community and student surveying and feedback