EV Charging

Contribute to a more sustainable greener future

New Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations will soon be available on-campus at Mt Helen and SMB campuses so you can charge while you work and study. The chargers will be available for use by staff, students and the community.

We are excited to present this new initiative which will play a valuable role in the University’s ongoing sustainability commitment ‘Towards Net Zero 2033’ and supporting eco-friendly practices of our staff and local community.

Federation TAFE is very pleased to have secured funding from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) to install 12 electric vehicle chargers across Mt Helen and SMB campuses, as part of the Victorian Government’s $1.87-million Training the next Generation of Agricultural Professionals project run by Federation TAFE.


CampusLocationCharger type
Mt Helen Carpark 2, behind Y building
Campus Map | Directions
  • AC 22kW chargers equipped with Type 2 Sockets, 8 plugs available
  • This site will require drivers to BYO cable in order to plug in and charge.
SMB Training Lane carpark 5 between buildings Q and S
Campus Map | Directions
  • 50kW DC Charger (2 cables) equipped with CCS2 connectors
  • AC 22kW chargers equipped with Type 2 Sockets, 2 plugs available
  • This site will require drivers to BYO cable in order to plug in and charge at the 22kW AC Chargers.

Using the charging stations

All charging stations are accessible using the Chargefox app.

  • Download the Chargefox app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Create an account if required.
  • Plug in and start your charging session. Don't forget to bring your own charging cable.
  • Please vacate the charging bays once you have finished charging, or an idle fee may apply.
  • Your charging history can be viewed via the Chargefox app.


Fees are charged on a kWh basis. Different rates apply depending on the speed of the charging station and can be viewed in the Chargefox app.

Idle fees will apply on the 50kw fast charger if your car is not moved from the charging station after charging is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of electric vehicle chargers are being installed and when will these be operational? 

The charging stations are expected to be operational by mid to late February 2025, following final testing and commissioning.

The EV chargers are manufactured by Delta and can charge most makes and models of electric vehicles except vehicles equipped with CHAdeMO plugs.

Mt Helen will have 8 plugs of AC 22kW chargers equipped with Type 2 Sockets. This site will require drivers to BYO cable in order to plug in and charge.

SMB will have one 50kW DC Charger (2 cables) equipped with CCS2 connectors, as well as 2 plugs of AC 22kW chargers equipped with Type 2 Sockets. This site will require drivers to BYO cable in order to plug in and charge at the 22kW AC Chargers.

Can anyone make of EV use these chargers? 

The EV chargers will cater for most makes and models of EV’s.

NB: CHAdeMO cars will be unable to use these chargers.

Do I need a parking permit to use the EV chargers?

No parking permit is required to utilise Federation's EV chargers, however vehicles will be subject to parking infringements if found parked in the charging station parks and not actively charging a vehicle.

If you need to park on-campus after charging, please observe all parking signs and do not park in a permit zone unless you have obtained a VPermit or CellOPark Casual Parking permit. Parking permit details can be found here,

Please refer to Mt Helen or SMB campus maps for carparking locations.

Is there any cost associated with charging EVs using these chargers? 

Fees are charged on a kWh basis. Different rates apply depending on the speed of the charging station and can be viewed in the Chargefox app.

Idle fees will apply on the 50kw fast charger, if your car is not moved from the charging station after charging is complete.

Who is able to utilise the charging stations?

The EV chargers are available for staff, students and members of the community to use.

Is there a time limit on how long I can use the charger for my EV? 

There is no limit for how long somebody can use the chargers, as long as the vehicle is being charged. Once your vehicle has finished charging, it will need to be moved, or idle fees may apply.

Do I have to move my car into a different parking spot once my EV is fully charged? 

Yes, this will need to be done to allow other users to utilise the chargers. Vehicles found parked in the charging station parks and not actively charging a vehicle may be subject to parking infringements or idle fees.

Idle fees will apply on the 50kw fast charger, if your car is not moved from the charging station after charging is complete.

Check the Chargefox app during charging for timing and charge completion updates,

Who will monitor the use of the EV chargers? 

Chargefox will monitor the performance of each unit, checking to make sure everything is operating correctly. Any faults will be reported to Property & Infrastructure.

Federation University Security Services will monitor usage of EV Chargers, noting any vehicle that fails to comply with the permit parking regulations.

How is the power generated for the EV chargers?  Does it come from a renewable energy source? 

Federation University electricity comes from several sources. Solar panels on roofs of our campuses combine with grid electricity to provide our energy needs. Under the Net Zero Initiative, Federation University is committed to sourcing all power from renewable sources by 2033. Find out more about the University’s sustainability commitment ongoing ‘Towards Net Zero 2033’

Is there any concern over fire risk and if so, how is this being managed? 

No. In fact Federation University engages an independent fire engineering specialist who performed a thorough risk assessment at both site (Mt Helen and SMB) along with consultation with Fire Resue Victoria (FRV).

Their recommendations highlighted the preferred location where the chargers are to be positioned along with additional mechanical fire protection interventions, all of which have been adopted.

Who do I contact if I have any further questions? 

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we put in place this important new environmental initiative.

Any further questions can be directed to Commercial Services at commercialservices@federation.edu.au.

Should you have any concerns with the chargers themselves please contact Chargefox at 1300 518 038.

Why not take advantage of this new facility and charge your car while you work, study or  enjoy time at the Health Sports and Aquatic Centre.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to commercialservices@federation.edu.au. Should you have any concerns with the chargers themselves please contact Chargefox at 1300 518 038.

Thank you for your continued support in making our communities more sustainable.