Recorded lecture or online class material

Warning icon Check with your teacher or lecturer before including this material as a reference source

In-text citations


When paraphrasing, include the author(s) family name and year of publication in brackets. Or, if referring to the author(s) family name in the body of the text, then just include the year of publication in brackets immediately after the family name(s).

There is evidence of evolution in drought-tolerant plants (Stamate, 2016).

Direct quote

Place direct quotes between double quotation marks " " and provide page numbers or exact time stamp for podcasts, lectures and other sound and video recordings.

Stamate (2016, 2:23) claims that "drought tolerant plants have evolved …"

Reference list


Author. (Year, Month Day). Title [Format]. Platform. DOI/URL


Stamate, G. (2016, March 30).  Amazing landscape designs with drought-tolerant plants [Video]. Moodle.

Notes on style

  • Online lectures and presentations are considered recoverable if recorded or are available for download as a pdf, etc. They can be included in the reference list if permitted by your teacher or lecturer. Treat according to publication type (e.g., video post, podcast, stand-alone document, etc.).
  • If the material you are citing is from an online class room, learning management system (Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard), or intranet and you are writing for an audience with access to that resource, provide the name of the site and its URL (do not link to a specific Moodle shell or page).
  • If the material is not accessible to your intended audience (e.g. requires an institutional login) cite as Personal communication.