Student Advocacy

Do you have concerns about your university experience?
We can help you navigate your way through University legislation, policies and procedures, work with you and other departments to resolve your concerns or make a formal complaint.

Have you been accused of something, or need a second opinion on what you've been told?
We can provide independent advice about your rights and responsibilities at Federation University.

Do you need some help preparing your case, or appeal a decision?
We can help you to write letters, appeals and applications and prepare you for meetings and hearings. We can even attend meetings with you!
Student Advocacy exists to give clear, independent advice and confidential support for students navigating Federation University processes and policies, including all types of appeals and complaints. We're here for students if things go wrong between you and the University, or if you have concerns with your experience. Please click on our "Service Charter" below, or the links at the bottom of the page for the full range of things we can help with.
Student Advocacy is paid for by the Student Services and Amenities Fee, and we support all students enrolled in Federation University/Federation TAFE courses. This includes International and Domestic students and those studying on-campus, online or through a Partner Provider.
The quickest and easiest way to make an appointment is to complete our appointment form - this ensures we get enough information to be able to allocate your case appropriately, and we commit to responding within 2 working days (usually much quicker) to arrange an appointment. If you're unsure of whether your query is something we can help with, please feel free to call us before completing the form on +61 3 5327 6105, or email
If we're already helping you with a case, you don't need to fill in the form every time - please just reply to our latest email!
Feedback - we love to receive it
If you have accessed Student Advocacy for support, we'd love to hear about your experience - good, bad or somewhere in between. Please complete our anonymous feedback survey here.
If you are currently engaged with the service and have concerns about the service you are receiving, please follow the steps below:
- Speak to the Advocate you are working with - we're always keen to hear if we're not meeting your needs
- If that doesn't work, or you are dissatisfied, contact the Manager of Student Advocacy - Luke - at
- If you are still dissatisfied, please follow the process to lodge a formal complaint. Unfortunately we won't be able to help you prepare your complaint for obvious reasons, but here's a link to our page which may help.
A full list of all common university forms and our letter templates.
Being accused of Academic Misconduct can be stressful and confusing. We can help you to:
- Understand the letter and evidence you have received
- Write a response and present evidence to challenge the charge, or request a lesser penalty
- Prepare for a hearing
We can even attend the hearing with you!
An appeal is the process by which a Federation University student can ask for a University decision to be reviewed. On most occasions students should follow the internal process for appeals before going to an external source of appeal, please make an appointment with us if you are unsure. Please note that not all University decisions can be appealed.
The process for students to appeal varies depending on the basis of the appeal. There are strict timelines for appeals, so please don't delay!
If you have received an Unsatisfactory Progress, Suspension or Exclusion letter, we can help you to:
- Understand what that means
- Come up with some strategies that might help you succeed
- Prepare for a meeting with your Course Coordinator
- Appeal a suspension or exclusion
We can answer any questions you have about Special Consideration:
- Which type is right for you?
- How (and when) do you apply?
- What evidence do you need?
- What can you do if it is rejected?
In limited circumstances, you have the right to apply for a Remission of Debt - removing Fail grades from your GPA, transcript and financial liability.
If you are dissatisfied with any element of your university experience, or feel you have been treated unfairly, with bias, or have been harassed or bullied you have the right to make a formal complaint. We can help you to:
- Try to resolve the matter informally
- Structure and write your complaint
- Review draft complaints and give you feedback and suggestions before you submit
We can also attend any meetings with you as a support person.
Receiving a letter saying you've been excluded can be scary. However, it doesn't always mean that's the final decision, and you can appeal the decision.
If you have been accused of general misconduct, or a breach of the student code of conduct, Student Advocacy can help you to:
- Understand the letter, allegation and evidence against you
- Prepare a written response and suggest evidence to support you if you choose to challenge the charge
- Prepare for a hearing
We can even attend the hearing with you as a support person if you would like.
If you have questions or concerns about the marks you received, there are some steps you can take to better understand them, and/or request a second marking.
This page gives you important information about exam rules and administrative arrangements.
If you have experienced bullying, discrimination or harassment we can discuss your options with you. If the behaviour is based on protected attributes, you may be best talking with the Equity and Inclusion team.
See Equity and inclusion for further information about discrimination, harassment and protected attributes, and how they can help.
Student Advocacy are not lawyers, so we can't give legal advice. However, we can refer you to free, confidential external legal supports.
This page provides information on confidentiality and privacy in relation to Advocacy services.
Contact us
Student Advocacy
Phone : (03) 5327 6105
Email :