Policy Library Rejuvenation Project

The Policy Service Team has been spearheading an initiative known as the Policy Library Rejuvenation Project (PLRP). This project is designed to streamline our existing suite of policy documents into a more manageable collection, favouring seven overarching policies.

Following a period of consultation in 2022, the PLRP has been established with several key objectives:

  1. Reduction of Policies and Minimisation of Bureaucracy: The program aims to decrease the number of policies, thereby reducing administrative complexities.
  2. Adoption of a Trust-Based Approach: We are moving towards a system that relies on trust in decision-making processes.
  3. Implementation of Plain Language: To ensure our policies are easily understood, we are committed to using clear and straightforward language.
  4. Provision of Accessible Formats: We are making our policies available in formats that are accessible to all.

This initiative represents a significant reform aimed at simplifying and transforming our governance documents. The PLRP will be rolled out in several phases and will be implemented as opportunities for continuous improvement present themselves. This approach will enhance the way we collaborate on policy matters across the University.

Phase One - Completed

The Policy Service Team have been leading the Policy Library Rejuvenation Program (PLRP) to consolidate the existing policy suite of more than 134 policy documents into seven (7) overarching policies. This phase was completed in October 2023.

Summary of the Policy Library Rejuvenation Project
Corporate Governance Policy
  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policies
  • Data Governance Policies
  • Infrastructure Policies
  • Risk Policies
  • Governance Systems Policies
  • Complaints Policies
  • Etc.
Academic Governance Policy
  • Course Design, Review and Compliance Policies
  • Learning and Teaching Policies
  • Assessment Policies
  • Academic Integrity and Misconduct Policies
  • Freedom of Speech Policies
  • Etc.
Operations Governance Policy
  • Sustainability Policies
  • Property and Infrastructure Policies
  • Information and Communications Technology Policies
  • Finance and Operations Policies
  • Project Management Policies
  • Etc.
Students and Support for Students Policy
  • Student Enrolment Policies
  • Student Engagement Policies
  • Support for Students Policies
  • Graduations Policies
  • Etc.
People and Culture Policy
  • Recruitment Policies
  • Employment Conditions and Wellbeing Policies
  • Performance and Professional Development Policies
  • Etc.
Research and Research Training Policy
  • Integrity, Conduct and Misconduct Policies
  • Funding Policies
  • Records Management Policies
  • Authorship and Intellectual Property Policies
  • Admission and Completions Policies
  • Etc.
Global Partners and Community Engagement Policy
  • Global Engagement and Education Policies
  • International Student Policies
  • Community Engagement Policies
  • Etc.

Phase Two - Current

Phase two of the project aims to streamline the governance framework by reducing the volume of remaining documents. The action plan involves collaborating with all pertinent Document Owners and stakeholders to decrease their document load. This process will be carried out thoughtfully to ensure that no crucial information is lost during the reduction of documents. The ultimate goal is to create a more efficient and manageable governance structure and to encourage autonomy.

Phase Three

Continuous improvement.