Council committees

The Council, by resolution, may constitute and appoint such committees as it thinks fit. A committee appointed by the Council must report to the Council on its activities at such times and in such manner as the Council directs. The operations of the Academic Board and committees of the Council may be reported in the form of minutes of the meetings.

Standing Committee of Council
Roles and responsibilities relevant to governance
Governance and Strategy CommitteeResponsible for advising the Council on matters relating to governance and strategy and considering urgent business as is necessary between meetings of the Council. The committee also acts as a legislation, naming, honorary degree and nomination committee and advises on matters relevant to the terms and membership of council committees, and university ceremonies.
  • Most Reverend Dr Philip Freier (Chair)
  • Mr Terry Moran AC
  • Professor Duncan Bentley
  • Ms Rhonda Whitfield
  • Mr Tony Stone
  • Mr Doug Robinson
  • Ms Michelle Nightingale
  • Mr Des Pearson AO
  • Professor Andrew Reeves
Audit and Risk Management CommitteeAssists Council in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the system of internal control, the audit process (both internal and external), the risk management framework and the University’s process for monitoring compliance with laws and regulations.
  • Mr Des Pearson AO (Chair)
  • Ms Pauline Buckland (Deputy Chair)
  • Ms Nicola Pero
  • Professor Bernadine Van Gramberg
  • Mr Rod Hansen (External Member)
Resources CommitteeResponsible for advising the Council on matters relating to University’s resources, including finance, investments, infrastructure, asset management, information technology and human resources.
  • Mr Tony Stone (Chair)
  • Mr Terry Moran AC
  • Professor Duncan Bentley
  • Ms Rhonda Whitfield
  • Most Reverend Dr Philip Freier
  • Mr Doug Robinson
  • Ms Michelle Nightingale
  • Mr David Pitt (External Member)
  • Mr Duncan Brown (External Member)
  • Mr Rodger Gibbins (External Member)

Senior Appointments and Remuneration Committee

The Committee annually sets performance goals and reviews the performance of the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Council. It also considers and sets the Vice-Chancellor's and the senior executive officers salary and remuneration.
  • Mr Terry Moran AC (Chair)
  • Ms Rhonda Whitfield
  • Most Reverend Dr Philip Freier
  • Mr Tony Stone (Resources Chair)
  • Professor Duncan Bentley
Inclusion CommitteeInstrumental in reviewing and monitoring progress against Federation University Australia (FUA) overall accountabilities, statutory obligations, and public commitments. This will include reporting to FUA Council against its accountabilities and ensure an appropriate strategic direction.
  • Ms Rhonda Whitfield (Chair)
  • Professor Duncan Bentley
  • Dr Doris Paton
  • Professor Andrew Reeves
  • Ms Kerrie Bryant
Investment Management Subcommittee (of Resources Committee)An advisory subcommittee responsible for the implementation and the performance of the University’s financial investment strategies and is a subcommittee of the Resources Committee.
  • Mr David Pitt (Chair) (External Member)
  • Mr Tony Stone
  • Professor Duncan Bentley
  • Mr John Blair