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Federation University Australia’s Women's Research Network (WReN) helps boost female participation and recognition in tertiary research by providing a supportive network within the University.

Launched in 2012, WReN hosts events and guest speakers throughout the year, and also shares information, articles and support via their group on Moodle and on this website.

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WReN news and events

International Women's Day

Published: 04/03/2020

When: 2.00pm-3.00pm, Thursday 10 March 2020

Where: Ground floor, Albert Coates Complex

An equal world is an enabled world. Individually we are all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. Collectively each one of us can help create a gender equal world. What does this mean in the university and TAFE context?

We invite you to join us for a panel discussion about #EachForEqual to celebrate International Women's Day.

Afternoon tea will be provided, and all staff are welcome.

Facilitator: Professor Chris Hutchison, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

Panel discussion:

Events are being held across Ballarat, Berwick and Gippsland campuses.

RSVP by lunchtime Friday 6 March, 2020.

Opportunity to participate in a research project

Published: 10/02/2020

An invitation to all women academics and professional staff employed by Federation University

You are invited to participate in the research project titled ‘The challenges for women working in Australian regional universities’ which is being conducted by Anitra Goriss-Hunter and Kate White (Federation University). This project has been approved by the Federation University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval Number A19-122).

Research description

This research will explore and compare the challenges for academic and professional women in two regional universities in Australia, Federation University and Charles Sturt University. The proposed study at Federation University will attempt to replicate the research that has already been undertaken by Associate Professor Cate Thomas at Charles Sturt University. The research project aims to investigate whether there are additional equity issues for women employed at regional universities with distributed campuses. It will consider not only the regional geography of the universities but their distanced distributed campuses and the impact these have on the working lives of women. The project will also examine the reasons why academic and professional women stay in their jobs at regional universities.

What this means for participants

If you agree to take part in the project you will be invited to provide written responses to questions provided via email. The questions will be about what factors were barriers to and what factors assisted in establishing and progressing your career at a regional university. Research participants will be any woman who is employed by Federation University as an academic or as professional staff (full-time, part-time, ongoing, fixed contract or sessional). On completion of the survey, Anitra Goriss-Hunter and Kate White may contact you for clarification of your written response. De-identified data will be shared with Associate Professor Cate Thomas at Charles Sturt University and common themes will be identified.

If you would like to participate in the project and/or if you have any questions regarding the project titled The challenges for women working in Australian regional universities please contact the Principal Researcher, Dr Anitra Goriss-Hunter.


Past WReN news and events

Read about past news and events from WReN.