Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Am I eligible to study overseas?

Students are required to:

  • Have completed at least one year of full-time academic study at Federation University (or equivalent)
  • Have at least one course left upon your return to Federation University
  • Be in good academic standing - GPA at least 4.0

While you are overseas, you need to enrol into a full-time study mode.

Each institution has specific admissions requirements and may only offer certain subjects for exchange students. Some institutions may also have GPA requirements. Please contact the Student Mobility Office at for more information.

How much will exchange cost?

The cost of exchange will vary depending on which country you want to go to, whether you choose to live on- or off-campus, and a number of other factors (including extra recreational travel). It is important to do your own research and investigate how much it might cost you.

Exchange students do not pay tuition at their host institution; they will need to pay their tuition fees to Federation University like they normally would. Students who normally defer their fees to a HELP loan can continue to do so.

Study Abroad students will need to pay tuition to their host institution.

What should I consider when choosing what and where to study?

When deciding what and where to study, start by thinking about what kind of lifestyle and experience you prefer – do you want to be in a multicultural busy city, or a quieter rural environment? Would you prefer to choose a city where there are other students from your nationality, or a predominantly local student population? Do you want to be close to the beach and nature or would you prefer to be in a city where you can travel to other cities?

Take some time to research specific courses, subjects and options for internships or work placements. Some Partner Universities may have limitations regarding course offerings relevant to your particular course.

Consider the amount of time you would like to spend away from home and the total cost of studying and living overseas. Also consider a country’s economic, political and social stability when planning to study away from home

When is the best time to go?

If you are doing an undergraduate degree at Federation University, the second year of your course is the ideal time to spend a semester or year overseas. If you wish to go later than this, you will need to ensure you have enough time left in your course to maintain full-time enrolment while overseas. It can also be difficult to go later in your course, as many Federation University programs have specialised or set final year subjects which can be difficult to match at a host university.

Federation University doesn't recommend that you take part in an Exchange or Study Abroad program in the final semester of your degree.

You can participate in a Short-Term study programs at any time during your course so long as you meet the eligibility requirements.

Can external, post-graduate or international students apply?

Yes, external students are certainly eligible; you simply need to enrol as full-time internal students during the overseas exchange semester. Federation University's exchanges are for undergraduates; exchange options for postgraduate students are limited. Please contact the Student Mobility Office at to investigate the possibilities in more detail.

International students can apply for exchanges to a third country, but your eligibility and participation is subject to the Department of Home Affairs regulations. Please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website for specific information for your country and then contact the Student Mobility Office at

Do I need to speak another language to go to a non-English speaking country?

No.  Classes in most of our exchange institutions are taught in English, with the occasional exception to some specific courses. Many of them also include introductory classes in the host language as part of the Exchange program.

However, please be aware that English is not widely spoken in some of these countries, and this can contribute to culture shock for some students. Students are encouraged to do their research about the country they intend to visit

Where will I live?

Many of Federation University’s partner universities have on-campus accommodation. It is recommend that you take advantage of this option if it is available.

The type of on-campus accommodation varies from university to university. In some cases you may share a room in a student residence and eat the food offered in the residence canteen, while at other universities you may have your own room and bathroom and share a kitchen with other students. Most partners also have accommodation offices or residential partners to assist you in locating off-campus accommodation if that is required.
If you are undertaking an Exchange or Short-term program, your host university will forward you information on available accommodation and how to apply for this.

In the cases of International Short Term or New Colombo Plan (NCP) programs, accommodation is mostly pre-arranged and pre-paid.

Do I need to show evidence of money available to me during my Exchange or Study Abroad program?

When you apply for an Exchange or Study Abroad program you will be provided with a Student Exchange Budget Worksheet outlining the costs you expect to have during the program (including airfares, health and travel insurance and living expenses) as well as how you will meet those costs.

It is a requirement by all American universities that you are able to provide financial evidence upon application. American universities cannot issue your offer letter and your visa enabling documentation without evidence that you will be able to support yourself during your Exchange or Study Abroad program.

Many other countries also require that you can show evidence of financial support when you apply for your student visa.

Do I need insurance?

Comprehensive travel and medical insurance is compulsory for all students participating on a Federation University Study Abroad / Exchange program. Federation University provides free travel insurance to any enrolled Federation University student participating on a University approved international program. This insurance covers the dates of the program and an additional 30 days of independent travel to a maximum total of 180 days.

You need to ensure you are covered for the whole period you are overseas. Some host universities have compulsory medical insurances and you will need to buy this insurance before you can enrol at the university. Others have recommended medical schemes which are not compulsory and in these cases Federation University strongly encourages you use the recommended scheme.

If you purchase an insurance policy at your host university, you need to arrange travel and medical insurance to cover you until you arrive at your host university.

Do I need to apply for a student visa?

You will probably need to apply for a student visa if you are staying for a semester or longer periods of international study; if you’re participating in a shorter exchange of three months or less, a tourist or visitor visa may suffice. Note that some countries may require you to also register as a temporary resident or alien (South Korea) once you arrive in order to comply with national laws.

Who makes my travel and visa arrangements?

For all Federation University programs, the student is responsible for making the necessary travel arrangements.

Some international short-term study programs arrange group travel bookings, in which case the tour leader will assist with the travel arrangements. Others require the individual student to organise their travel independently.

On any Federation University program, each student is responsible for ensuring they have the correct visa for the countries they will be transiting through or studying in before leaving Australia. Make sure that you don't leave Australia without the correct visa in your passport. It is very important that you don't leave arrangements for your visa until the last minute as some countries take considerable time to issue visas.

When should I apply for my visa(s)?

The Federation University Mobility Office recommends that you wait to apply for your visa until you have been formally accepted by your host university. Most countries will not let you apply for your student visa until you have received your official acceptance letter from your host university.

When should I book my tickets?

Don't pay for any tickets, tours, visas etc. until you have received formal acceptance from your host university.

Am I locked into the courses I list on my application?

No. You will have plenty of opportunity to change your courses.

However, it is your responsibility to make sure that any changes you make to your course choices are approved by both Federation University and your host university so that you will receive credit for your courses when you return home. To avoid delays it is recommended that you gain such approval for possible changes before you leave.

How many subjects do I have to take?

You will need to be enrolled at the host exchange institution as a full-time student (45 or 60 credit points). as a requirement of our Student Exchange Agreement.  The number of subjects you need to enrol in may differ depending on the institution you are applying to and its country visa requirements.

Can I extend my Exchange or Study Abroad program?

The maximum period of study overseas in one location is one academic year (two semesters). If you have applied for one semester and wish to extend, you may. However, there are some conditions to this.

  • You will need approval from the Federation University Mobility Office, your faculty/school and the host university.
  • You need to have enough academic courses remaining to support a full-time study load during an additional semester.
  • You need to make sure that you have at least 1 unit/course to complete on your return to Federation University
  • You need to research further units to study at your host university and make sure that they match up to the Federation University courses that you may need to complete during that semester.

The responsibility is on you to do the groundwork here, and then contact program coordinator to see if approval can be granted.

Can I withdraw from a Federation University Mobility program once I have been accepted?

Yes. You can withdraw from a Federation University Mobility program at any time before you depart for your host university. You will need to write an email to the Student Mobility Office at to inform us about your decision. The email must include your name, student number, contact details, the name of your host university, the semester you intended to go on the program and your reasons for withdrawing.

What about my results while overseas?

If you are taking part in an Exchange or Study Abroad program, your host university will send a transcript of your results to the Federation University Study Abroad and Mobility Office or directly to you.

This will be copied and certified and forwarded to the Student HQ for entry onto your Federation University transcript. You will not be graded but will be awarded a Transfer Credit (TC) for each unit successfully completed or an Ungraded Fail (UN) for each unit incomplete overseas. These grades will not be used in a GPA calculation

If you are taking part in a Faculty-Led Study Tour or an Internship undertaking a Federation University course abroad, you may be given an exam and/or assessments before you leave, while overseas or on your return to Australia. These will be graded according to the Federation University grading scale and your faculty will forward your results to Student HQ for entry onto your Federation University transcript.

I want to go to an institution that is not listed under the Exchange Agreements. What can I do?

Students who want to study at an institution that is not on the Exchange Agreements list can participate in our Study Abroad program. Students will need to contact the Student Mobility Office at to discuss this