2016 Partner Forum

Delivering Quality Education in a Changing Marketplace

The program explored the challenges of providing programs to diverse cohorts of students in both an international and national context, and offers a diverse range of professional development opportunities. This is also was an opportunity for partners to engage with FedUni staff.

Monday 4 April - Wednesday 6 April

Location: Federation University Australia, Mt Helen Campus, Ballarat

Please note: Presentations are only available to FedUni staff and those who have associate access.

Keynote speakers

Peter Rohan

Peter is a Strategic Advisor to the HE Sector, following 20 years as a partner with Ernst and Young (multi-national professional services firm). His key expertise is in public policy reform, operational strategy and improvement and organisational change. He has 30 years' experience in leading and managing important projects across a variety of organisations and a diverse range of stakeholder groups.

His work in the higher education (HE and VET) sector is typically at the VC/CEO and DVC level and has encompassed strategic planning, operational reform, market repositioning, partnership negotiations and business cases, as well as being joint author of published papers on the impact of the new funding model on universities and how they should respond strategically.

He has led projects for the Department of Education as to how to reduce 'rorting' within the VET system and has been an invited speaker at National TAFE conferences.

He sponsored and contributed to the key EY white papers on 'University of the Future' (2012) and 'Higher Education and the Power of Choice' (2011) as well authoring the forthcoming paper 'Academic of the Future'.

View Peter's presentation (pdf, 408kb)

Julie Lindsay

Julie's first book, 'Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds' is acclaimed as the definitive text on how to embed global connections and collaborations for meaningful learning. From her work as an education and digital technology leader in six different countries across Asia, Africa and the Middle East, she understands different global contexts and is able to bring new opportunities to others through her unique approaches to digital learning and 'teacherpreneur' approach.

Julie's passion is for online global collaboration and as Director of Flat Connections she leads online student projects for all K-12 levels. For educators she is adept at designing and customising learning experiences including virtual courses and live events. Julie is completing a Doctor of Education at the University of Southern Queensland with research focusing on online global collaborative educators' and pedagogical change. Her new book, 'The Global Educator', available in 2016, shares many stories and resources for taking learning global.

View Julie's presentation (pdf, 5mb)

Forum program

Day one: Monday 4 April

Program details Presenters
Welcome: Introduction to Federation University Australia Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement), Prof. Todd Walker and Director, Partnerships and Commercial Engagements, Dr Jessie Harman
Keynote speaker: Becoming a Global Educator, Online Global Collaborative Educators and Pedagogical Change Julie Lindsay
View presentation (pdf, 5mb)
Session A: Adobe Connect for virtual classrooms

Session B:
FedReady program at FedUni
Brian Martin and Glenn Sandford, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice

Campbell Ackland and Ryan Parker, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 1mb)
Session C: Virtual Education

Session D:
The Cultural and Educational Barriers of International Students Adjusting to HE in Australia: An Anecdotal Observation
Sue Brown, Faculty of Health
View presentation (pdf, 2.8mb)

Dr. Tania Honey, ATMC


Program details Presenters
Session E: Challenges faced by students bridging from VET into higher education

Session F:
Moodle Plus Session
Talia Barrett, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 500kb)

Cameron Maher and Brian Martin, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 1.5mb)
Session G: ATMC Work Integrated Learning Project

Session H:
Plagiarism findings from research
Asheley Jones, ATMC

Beverley Jones, MIT Sydney
View presentation (pdf, 1mb)
Session I: Study Skills Support MIT

Session J:
Using Quality Assurance to improving Teaching and Learning outcomes
Beverley Jones, MIT Sydney
View presentation (pdf, .1mb)

Dr. Ghassan Alsoboh and Dr Michael Burgess, AAPolytechnic
View presentation (pdf, 1.8mb)
Keynote speaker: Student Engagement Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Quality) Prof. Marcia Devlin
View presentation (pdf, 688kb)

Day two: Tuesday 5 April


Program details Presenters
Keynote speaker: The future of pathways and collaborations in VET/HE Peter Rohan
View presentation (pdf, .5mb)
Session K: Learning and teaching fundamentals

Session L:
Dalian University of Technology research collaboration
Tulsa Andrews, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, .8mb)

Assoc. Prof. Jerry Courvisanos
View presentation (pdf, 2mb)
Session M: Strengthening Pathways from Diplomas to Degrees and The Student Success Project - Improving Student Retention at Wodonga TAFE

Session N: Internationalisation of the Curriculum: Activities and resources for promoting greater understanding between cultural groups
Sharon Naldrett and Lana Hanssens, Wodonga TAFE
View Sharon's presentation (pdf, .5mb)
View Lana's presentation (pdf, 1mb)

Talia Barrett, Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice
View presentation (pdf, 2.8mb)


Program details Presenters
Session O: Partner Graduate talks

Session P:
Understanding Plagiarism: Cases to Explore
IIBIT and MIT graduates: Sagar Lohani and Ali Aftab
View presentation (pdf, 2.8mb)

Grant Meredith, Faculty of Science and Technology and Andrew Smith, Faculty of Health
View presentation (pdf, 2.8mb)
Partnering opportunities and challenges
Facilitator: Director, Partnerships and Commercial Engagements, Dr Jessie Harman
Panellists: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Engagement) Prof Todd Walker and Associate Deans of Engagement: Alan Labas, Robert Townsend, Guojun Lu, Charlynn Miller.

Contact us

Dual Sector Partnership
Phone: +61 3 5327 8388

The Dual Sector Partnership project is proud to be a sponsor of the 2016 Partner Forum. It is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Structural Adjustment Fund.