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Phil Collins passed away suddenly, on June 29 at the age of 53.

He had a love for his job at the University, where he worked for 24 years, rising to the job of Facilities Manager during his time here. In his role, he was heavily involved in major building projects at the Technology Park at Mount Helen and other projects around the University, helping shape the way students learn.

Away from the University, he was a long term volunteer at the Dunnstown FNC, holding a number of roles over the years including U15 Coach, U18 Coach, Runner for all junior and senior grades and Junior President. His most recent roles were as U18 Coach Mentor, Reserves Assistant Coach and Senior Chairman of Selectors.

In memory of the late Phil Collins, the University invited staff to contribute messages of condolence and photographs of him, during his time here, which were included in a special condolence book that was presented to his family.

A service was also held at St Alipius, which was packed to capacity.

Phil is survived by his wife, Jane, and children Jake, Ben, Rhiana and Tim.